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An Abstract Chapel in Portugal and a Museum in Iran: 10 Unbuilt Projects Featuring Concrete Designs

A cornerstone of architectural innovation for centuries, concrete has transformed the structural capabilities of buildings worldwide. As one of the more versatile and durable building materials, concrete has aided architects and engineers in pushing the traditional boundaries of design. Today, it is the most widely used construction material on the planet. According to the Guardian, concrete is also a “lifestyle concept,” using its “gritty, urban” aesthetic to shape the imagination of all our architectures at every scale.

MTspace Studio Designs Flood-Resistant 3D Printed Homes for ICON's Initiative99 Competition

In an open competition, ICON’s Initiative 99 requested participants to design a home using ICON’s 3D printing technologies while keeping the construction budget under $99,000. Among the three selected winners for the Open Category, New Zealand-based office MTspace Studio proposes a robust flood-resistant design, in response to the housing crisis in New Zealand’s flood zones. Titled “Wai Home” after the Māori word for water, the concept revolves around the idea of working with this essential natural element. The design features innovative rainwater collection and storage systems, along with elements to increase the resilience of the construction in the face of increasing threats.

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Neutelings Riedijk Architects and ARS Architectes Design Cité des Imaginaires and Grand Musée Jules Vernes in Nantes, France

Neutelings Riedijk Architects and ARS Architects Urbanistes have just won a competition to design the Cité des Imaginaires and Grand Musée Jules Verne in Nantes, France. Selected from 160 entries, their design seeks to revitalize the historic “Moulins de Nantes” mil, also known as CAP44. This industrial heritage site, notable for its unique Hennebique concrete structure, is set to be transformed into a sustainable structure within the Garden Extraordinaire. Additionally, the museum will celebrate the legacy of the renowned author Jules Verne, born in Nantes.

Jane Jacobs, Cyclist

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

In 1956, when car ownership and the suburban development that this enabled were just being embraced as American cultural ideals, pioneering urbanist Jane Jacobs wrote that the U.S. was becoming “an unprecedented nation of centaurs. … Our automobile population is rising about as fast as our human population and promises to continue for another generation.” She continued, “the car is not only a monstrous land-eater itself: it abets that other insatiable land-eater—endless, strung-out suburbanization.”

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Aleatek Studio Reveals Design of the Serbia Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka

Aleatek Studio’s concept of “Floating Forest” has been announced as the winner of the competition for the design of the Serbia Pavilion at Expo Osaka 2025. The pavilion, will be located at the West Entrance and Earth Plaza, aims to interpret Serbian culture and the country’s natural landscape through architectural expression. The design strategy also aligns with the theme “Play for humanity” of the upcoming Specialised Expo 2027 to be held in Belgrade.

Exploring the Intersection of Architecture and Art: "Not Vital" by Alma Zevi

Alma Zevi has developed a book offering an intimate and definitive account following the career of Swiss sculptor, painter, and architect Not Vital. This comprehensive book delves into Vital’s pomading life, seeking and building homes in various cities, from Paris, New York, Beijing, and Rio de Janeiro. The book explores the artist’s seminal sculpture practice and architectural projects, featuring a catalog of over 450 sculptures and related works. Drawing on archival material and personal interviews with the artist, Zevi seeks to provide a portrait of his career to date.

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Lloyd Wright’s Historic Wayfarers Chapel Will Be Disassembled Due to Landslide Risk

The Wayfarers Chapel, known locally as "The Glass Church," was designed by Lloyd Wright, the eldest son of architect Frank Lloyd Wright, and completed in 1951. Located in the Palos Verdes peninsula in Los Angeles, its design aimed to blend the lines between architecture and nature, with large-span glass panels opening up to space toward the redwood canopies. Last year, the structure was designated a national historic landmark. Now, due to “accelerated land movement” in the area, the structure, which has been closed off to the public since February, was announced to be disassembled to protect it from further damage.

Powerhouse Company Designs Largest Timber Housing Development in the Netherlands

Powerhouse Company has revealed the design for the largest timber-built affordable housing complex in the Netherlands. “Valckensteyn” is a circular design featuring a 12-story timber structure and 82 homes. Situated within Pendrecht, a post-war neighborhood in Rotterdam, it sits on the site of a residential flat bearing the same name, demolished a decade ago. The timber structure seeks to be circular and sustainable in its design, creating a nature-inclusive environment that is accessible to all.

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Chromasonic: An immersive Renaissance of California's Minimalist Light and Space Movement

Step into the realm where the minimalism of the 1960s Light and Space movement intertwines with contemporary high-tech algorithms and sensors. Back then, light artists like James Turrell, Dan Flavin, and Robert Irwin captivated audiences with the bare essentials, using precisely daylight or lamps to heighten visual perception. Fast forward to today, Chromasonic takes this synergy of light and color but augments it with sound and algorithms. Envisioned as a global network to experience the harmony of body and mind, Johannes Girardoni's team unveiled the first satellite of perception in the heart of Venice Beach, California. Through a collaboration with Google, Milan Design Week showcased how the interplay of light and color can go on tour as a walk-in installation on a larger scale.

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Tadao Ando Transforms Historic Scuola Grande in Venice into an Exhibition Dedicated to Artist Zeng Fanzhi

A new exhibition presenting the works of artist Zeng Fanzhi has opened in the historic Scuola Grande della Misericordia in Venice, Italy. Running from April 17 to September 30, 2024, concurrent with this year’s edition of the Venice Arts Biennale, the “Zeng Fanzhi: Near and Far/Now and Then” exhibition showcases the latest breakthroughs in the artist’s practice in a space adapted by architect Tadao Ando.

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IE University Unveils Creative Campus in Segovia's Historic Palacio de los Condes de Mansilla, Spain

IE University has just announced the establishment of a new Creative Campus to be inaugurated in 2025 in Segovia, Spain. Situated within the historic Palacio de los Condes de Mansilla, this new campus will serve as an extension of the IE School of Architecture and Design. Developed to become an Innovation Hub, the project spans more than 5,000 square meters and boasts a Fab Lab, construction workshops, biomaterials, textile research laboratories, experimentation spaces, digital fabrication classrooms, and an exhibition venue. The amenities are designed for creative minds from different disciplines to collaborate, fostering a platform that provides real solutions for different challenges.

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