Agustina Iñiguez


Modern Architecture in Misiones: The Case of Mario Soto and Raúl Rivarola's Primary Schools

By December 1956, Mario Soto and Raúl Rivarola received the first prize to build four schools in the province of Misiones, Argentina. That was followed by the first prize for the construction of six hostels, the commissioning of the project for the Escuela Normal Superior N° 1 in Leandro N. Alem, and the first prize for the construction of the Instituto de Previsión Social y Hotel in the city of Posadas. Their works in Misiones, developed within the framework of the process of provincialization of the national territories that took place between 1951 and 1955, have provided the opportunity to study themes such as the link between the State and architecture, the connection between technique and politics, state architecture and avant-gardes, the dilemma of styles, among many others.

The New Life of Industrial Architecture in Cities: 20 Renovations and Conversions of Old Factories and Warehouses

In the same way that societies transform, times change, and cities evolve, industrial architecture modernizes and technifies, sometimes reaching a state of abandonment or ruin. Understanding its value as a built legacy and being vestiges of technological, social, and cultural changes, the renovation and/or conversion of numerous factories and industrial warehouses can lead to the revitalization, recovery, or growth of various areas in large cities, incorporating new uses and spaces for the enjoyment of their citizens.