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Urban Planning: The Latest Architecture and News

Ahead of the Paris Olympics, Discover the Eco-District of Clichy-Batignolles in Paris, Through the Lens of Paul Clemence

With the 2024 Olympic Games opening ceremony fast approaching, Paris has captured global attention. In addition to the venues being prepared for the Olympics, the city offers a wide range of architectural projects that showcase its efforts to improve the urban environment and promote a greener and more inclusive city. Among these, the new Clichy Batignolles Eco-District in the 17th arrondissement of Paris is a 54-hectare development that set out to transform the former SNCF rail yard into a new neighborhood. The initiative features contributions from internationally recognized architects including MAD Architects, Architect Périphériques, and RPBW, among others. Read on to discover the urban development through the lens of architecture photographer Paul Clemence.

Ahead of the Paris Olympics, Discover the Eco-District of Clichy-Batignolles in Paris, Through the Lens of Paul Clemence - Imagen 1 de 4Ahead of the Paris Olympics, Discover the Eco-District of Clichy-Batignolles in Paris, Through the Lens of Paul Clemence - Imagen 2 de 4Ahead of the Paris Olympics, Discover the Eco-District of Clichy-Batignolles in Paris, Through the Lens of Paul Clemence - Imagen 3 de 4Ahead of the Paris Olympics, Discover the Eco-District of Clichy-Batignolles in Paris, Through the Lens of Paul Clemence - Imagen 4 de 4Ahead of the Paris Olympics, Discover the Eco-District of Clichy-Batignolles in Paris, Through the Lens of Paul Clemence - More Images+ 45

URB Unveils Plans for a 64-Kilometer-Long Green Highway for Dubai

URB has revealed details about the Dubai Green Spine project, an urban development initiative aiming to introduce a 64-kilometer-long green corridor in Dubai. The project, aligned with the Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan, hopes to improve urban mobility and environmental quality by converting one of the city’s major arterial roads into a multifunctional public space with ample greenery, urban farms, integrated non-motorized transportation infrastructures, and community zones.

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Creating Architecture in an Uncivil Time: In Conversation with Ali Karimi of Civil Architecture

The Arabian Peninsula represents one of the world’s leading exporters and users of fossil fuels, an economic reality that influences the area’s visions for the future and, implicitly, architecture and urban planning’s role in these scenarios. A number of emerging offices are however countering these narratives, turning to contextual research to reframe the area’s production of architecture. Among these, cultural practice Civil Architecture has become recognized for its provocative works that explore alternative narratives for the identity of the Middle East. While in Bahrain, ArchDaily's Christele Harrouk had the chance to sit down with Ali Karimi, who, together with Hamed Bukhamseen, co-founded Civil Architecture. In the video interview, they discuss the practice of architecture in the Gulf region and the narrative and research-focused approach of the office.

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AI and the Human Vector in Architecture: Embracing Emotional Engagement and Empathy

This article is the tenth in a series focusing on the Architecture of the Metaverse. ArchDaily has collaborated with John Marx, AIA, the founding design principal and Chief Artistic Officer of Form4 Architecture, to bring you monthly articles that seek to define the Metaverse, convey the potential of this new realm as well as understand its constraints. In this feature, architect John Marx questions the limits and capabilities of AI in architecture and in creating buildings that resonate deeply with people and communities.

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Foster + Partners Unveils "Land of Tomorrow" Master Plan in Larnaka, Cyprus

Foster + Partners has started the design work for the initial phase of the “Land of Tomorrow” master plan in Larnaka, Cyprus. Aiming to transform Larnaka’s seafront into a vibrant, sustainable community, the first phase focuses on residential developments. Featuring commercial shops, including shops, offices, and restaurants, the master plan focuses on seamless integration with the seafront and emphasizes connections to natural surroundings.

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Sordo Madaleno Reveals Proposal for the Refurbishment and Remodeling of the El Molinón Stadium in Spain

In preparation for the city of Asturias, Spain, to become one of the hosts of the FIFA World Cup in 2030, the El Molinón stadium is proposed to undergo a major remodeling process. Home Real Sporting de Gijón, the stadium is reimagined by the architecture office Sordo Madaleno together with Orlegi Sports. The proposal aims to increase the stadium’s capacity to accommodate 9,000 additional visitors to the 33,650 fixed seats during the World Cup. It also strives to reconnect the venue to its surroundings and the city of Gijón, Asturias.

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International High-Rise Award 2024/25: Discover the 31 Nominated Projects

Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) has announced the International High-Rise Award 2024/25. Selected from more than 1,000 new high-rises worldwide dating from the past two years, the nominated projects are located in 13 counties from 5 continents. In autumn, the five finalists will be announced, followed by the winner announcement scheduled for November 12, 2024. The main objective of the award is to highlight good practices in the ongoing trend of mixed-use high-rises.

With the increase in the construction of high-rises, special features such as the introduction of greenery in the design, unusual shapes, or the construction of clusters of towers, have become the new normal. DAM’s research this year also shows a growing eco-awareness, as the focus in high-rise construction is increasingly on the use of existing buildings. While the majority of tall buildings continue to be erected in China, followed by the USA, Australia, and Singapore have emerged as new hubs of high-rise architecture.

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The Rise of Night Mayors: Managing Economy, Culture Security and Climate Change after Dark

Over the years, the nocturnal landscape of cities has witnessed a significant transformation, marked by the emergence of more than 80-night mayors globally, a trend that has been on the rise since the early 2000s. Andreina Seijas, currently working as an Associate at Gehl, has analyzed these shifting dynamics of night-time governance in her research and during her doctoral studies at Harvard GSD. Seijas speaks in the interview about this development, challenges, and opportunities with night mayors, global differences, and the role of climate change. Seijas' upbringing in Caracas, Venezuela, where safety concerns dictated strict curfews, ignited her passion for creating safer, more inclusive urban environments, particularly for the youth. Her quest for a better future for the urban night explores the potential for cities to become safer, more inclusive, and more productive by creating spaces for work and leisure after dark.

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Barcelona Plans to Ban Tourist Apartment Rentals to Ease the Housing Crisis

The Spanish city of Barcelona, one of Europe's top tourist destinations, has announced a plan to ban apartment rentals to tourists by November 2028. The move, announced by Mayor Jaume Collboni, aims to alleviate the long-standing housing crisis, lower prices for residents, improve livability, and increase the city’s affordable housing stock. Over the past 10 years, the rise in short-term rentals has driven rents up by 68%, and the cost of buying a house by 38%, contributing significantly to a cost-of-living crisis.

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AD Classics: Republic Square / Edvard Ravnikar

Republic Square in Ljubljana holds immense historical and symbolic significance for Slovenia. It is located in the historic center of the city and features a blend of buildings with different designs, scales, and dimensions, together with interconnected open spaces, passages, and underpasses. These elements form a multifunctional complex whose construction lasted more than 20 years and underwent several volumetric and programmatic reconfigurations. Visible from a distance and standing out above the Ursuline Church’s bell tower, two prominent office towers rise as part of this work designed by Edvard Ravnikar, the most prominent Slovenian architect of the second half of the 20th century.

Stefano Boeri Architetti Wins Competition for Green Neighborhood Development in Bratislava, Slovakia

Stefano Boeri Architetti has been declared the winner of the international competition for the redevelopment of a former industrial site in downtown Bratislava. The project includes the transformation of one of the largest abandoned areas in the Slovak capital, with the aim of creating an active new central hub for the city, complete with parks and public spaces, residential units, and a variety of amenities. Stefano Boeri Architetti’s master plan proposal, titled “Urban Oasis,” has been appreciated by the jury for integrating familiar typologies, creating a “European matrix” of medium-density developments organized around accessible public spaces.

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The Loeb Fellowship at Harvard GSD Announces the Selection for the Class of 2025

The Harvard Graduate School of Design (Harvard GSD) has announced the Class of 2025 Loeb Fellows. Ten practitioners and activists from around the world have been selected to join the Loeb Fellowship program to expand their careers and advance their programs and initiatives focused on equity, resilience, and collective action.

The ten selected practitioners are mid-career professionals coming from diverse backgrounds. Each one has been recognized for initiating practices that are transforming public spaces and urban infrastructures, addressing public health concerns and environmental injustices, as well as housing needs and efforts to preserve the cultural, natural, and architectural heritage of diverse regions from all continents.

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AI, Data, and Predicting Urbanism: Interview with Peter Hirshberg and Anna Fedorova

This article is the ninth in a series focusing on the Architecture of the Metaverse. ArchDaily has collaborated with John Marx, AIA, the founding design principal and Chief Artistic Officer of Form4 Architecture, to bring you monthly articles that seek to define the Metaverse, convey the potential of this new realm as well as understand its constraints. In this feature, architect John Marx interviews Peter Hirshberg, chairman, and Anna Fedorova, principal at the Maker City Project.

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