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How to Maximize Revit Importer

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The Revit Importer converts families and building elements to SketchUp’s native tags and components. It optimizes geometry creating a lightweight and well-organized SketchUp file that is ready-to-use.

Film Premiere: "A Voice for the 450 Plus" by Black Females in Architecture

Black Females in Architecture (BFA) is a social enterprise supporting a membership of more than 450 Black women in built environment professions worldwide. Founded by architects Neba Sere, Selasi Setufe, and Akua Danso, the group advocates for diversity, race and gender equity across all sectors of the built environment, including architecture, urbanism, landscape, engineering, design, and construction.

We are happy to premiere their short film "A Voice for the 450 Plus" to a global audience for the first time since it was shown at the 2023 Venice Architecture Biennale. The film is a celebration of the ongoing contributions of Black women in the built environment fields, showing the world how they contribute to shaping the future of our cities.

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Social Housing in America: Architects Must Answer the Call

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

If you follow housing policy in America, you may have noticed a particular term cropping up a lot recently: social housing. Maybe you’ve read a longform academic article, live in a city that is codifying a social-housing policy like Seattle or Atlanta, or seen one of the recent mentions in The New York Times, highlighting U.S. and Viennese success stories. On the design front, Dezeen is running a social-housing revival series.

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What are Curated Widths Wooden Floors? Minimizing Waste with a Natural Aesthetic

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Flooring plays a fundamental role in defining the ambiance and atmosphere of a space. Among the variety of options on the market, solid wood plank flooring stands out as a timeless choice. Known for their classic beauty and enveloping textures, these floors not only enhance the visual aspect of a room but also provide exceptional thermal comfort, resistance, and resilience, able to withstand wear and tear and heavy traffic. Their easy maintenance and durability are further markers of their quality, making them one of the favorite choices of architects, designers, and homeowners in search of long-lasting elegance and functionality for their projects.

When we look at a meticulously installed floor, we often forget that it was once part of a tree that was taken through a series of processes to eventually become the flooring product beneath our feet. The round trunk of the tree naturally results in boards of different dimensions, from the wide widths of the central core to the narrower dimensions of the outer layers. Various methods can be used to optimize the use of these trunks, each with its advantages and disadvantages.

How to Make Bamboo Durable? A Step-By-Step Guide

Bamboo, renowned for its strength and eco-friendliness, often faces a formidable adversary: insects and fungi. Despite its resilience, these pests can compromise its durability over time. However, there exists a simple yet effective solution to bolster bamboo's longevity and sturdiness. In this article, we unveil the Vertical Soak Diffusion (VSD) method—a budget-friendly approach that ensures your bamboo projects stand the test of time.

The Metaverse Unleashed: The Rise of Human-Scale Digital Venues

This article is the eighth in a series focusing on the Architecture of the Metaverse. ArchDaily has collaborated with John Marx, AIA, the founding design principal and Chief Artistic Officer of Form4 Architecture, to bring you monthly articles that seek to define the Metaverse, convey the potential of this new realm as well as understand its constraints. In this feature, architect John Marx interviews Heather Gallagher, an international expert in transformative events and the experience economy and former Head of Technology at Burning Man.

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Rationalise: Elements and Assemblies at Fabricate 2024

On April 4 – 6, the international conference FABRICATE 2024 will be held at the Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen. Since its inception in 2011, FABRICATE has established itself as a global forum for new radical possibilities for architecture and welcomed thousands of participants from practice, industry, and research.

In this third article we meet architect Zhu Pei who is the founding Director of Studio Zhu Pei and Dean of the School of Architecture at Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. The text is an excerpt from the upcoming FABRICATE 2024 book and is based on an interview conversation led by Co-chair Phil Ayres between Zhu Pei and architect Cristiano Ceccato, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects. The book will be published on the opening night of the FABRICATE 2024 conference.

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ArchDaily China's 2024 Building of the Year Awards are Now Open for Nominations

As we successfully launched our 15th Building of the Year Awards earlier this year, we want to thank you for being part of our community for over 10 years. Together we have been growing and contributing to the architectural scene, aiming for a better world. Now, we are proud to announce the 8th edition of The ArchDaily Building of the Year China, celebrating the best architecture in China, as chosen by you, the reader.

By nominating and voting, you form part of an interdependent, impartial, distributed network of jurors and peers that has consistently helped us celebrate architecture of every scale, purpose, and condition, and architects of all profiles. Over the coming weeks, your votes will result in 700 Chinese projects filtered down to just 10 best projects in China.

The 2024 Building of the Year Awards China is brought to you thanks to Dornbracht, renowned for leading designs for architecture, which can be found internationally in bathrooms and kitchens.

Projects by Female Architects from the Global South for Women's Day 2024

In our exploration of architectural endeavors, it is essential to recognize the persistent influence of women, particularly from the Global South, in shaping our built environment, especially the contributions of women who serve as catalysts for social change and cultural celebration. As we delve further into their narratives, it becomes evident that the architects’ lived experiences inform their creative processes, resulting in spaces that resonate with their users and surroundings. Architects like Sumaya Dabbagh, Mariam Issoufou, Tosin Oshinowo, and Marina Tabassum embody this enduring spirit of innovation and resilience.

This curated collection unfolds the narratives of some of the most compelling architectural projects by women from the Global South. From the unique streets of Dubai to the rural landscapes of Niger, each project serves as a testament to the power of architecture to transcend gender boundaries and create meaningful designs that connect people and their surroundings.

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Reframing the Concept of Building Envelope Through Minimalist Windows

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When we talk about the building envelope, we often make the analogy of a skin that protects and wraps the structure, creating a transition in the physical environment. This concept is interesting as it identifies that, similar to its function in humans, the skin plays a role in protecting and regulating the interior setting, besides contributing to the aesthetics of the building. In this way, both the human skin and the building envelope act as elements that respond to the stimuli of the surroundings and the life that develops within them. More than just protective barriers, they are experienced as means of active interaction with the context.

While envelopes evolve within diverse contexts, materials, and systems, minimalist windows distinguish themselves through their aesthetic qualities by being transparent and fluid skins. These windows excel with their functionality and visual lightness, standing out in the architectural landscape. In addition, they are noteworthy thanks to their versatility across different systems that connect life within the interior and exterior. Considering Swiss and Pritzker Prize-winning architect Peter Zumthor's statement that "architecture is exposed to life,” windows play a vital role in expressing that connection, becoming a significant part of the building's identity and essence.

The Second Studio Podcast: Being an Optimistic Architect

The Second Studio (formerly The Midnight Charette) is an explicit podcast about design, architecture, and the everyday. Hosted by Architects David Lee and Marina Bourderonnet, it features different creative professionals in unscripted conversations that allow for thoughtful takes and personal discussions.

A variety of subjects are covered with honesty and humor: some episodes are interviews, while others are tips for fellow designers, reviews of buildings and other projects, or casual explorations of everyday life and design. The Second Studio is also available on iTunes, Spotify, and YouTube.

This week David and Marina of FAME Architecture & Design discuss whether or not architects are optimists. Many claim to be, but are they? The two cover in what ways architects are optimists, when architects are pessimists, how to be an optimist and how it impacts one’s work, being a realist, and more.

The Power of Innovation: Brick Award 24

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Around the globe, today’s architects face several rising challenges. The demand for affordable housing is increasing significantly, but so is the urgent need to save the planet’s resources and reduce carbon emissions. At first glance, these two goals might seem mutually exclusive. However, the history of architecture is one of great minds overcoming challenges through creativity and innovation. 

In 2004, wienerberger, a leading provider of innovative and ecological solutions for the entire building envelope in the areas of new construction and renovation, as well as infrastructure for water and energy management, launched the biennial Brick Award to recognize and, more importantly, support such innovative solutions and the people who create them. In June 2024, for its 11th iteration, the prize will once again be awarded to extraordinary feats of brick architecture from around the world.

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