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Construction: The Latest Architecture and News

Diamond Schmitt and KWC Architects Collaborate on Ottawa Public Library and Library Archives Joint Facility

The Ottawa Public Library and Library and Archives Canada Joint Facility is taking shape as a prominent landmark in the heart of the Canadian capital. Designed by Diamond Schmitt, in collaboration with KWC Architects, the institution is envisioned as an inspiring hub for gathering, learning, and discovery. The project is progressing steadily toward its slated opening in the summer of 2026.

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Studio Gang Breaks Ground on the Shirley Chisholm Recreational Center in New York City

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, along with the New York City Department of Design and Construction, has announced the breaking ground on the construction of the Studio Gang-designed Shirley Chisholm Recreation Center. Located at the Nostrand Playground in East Flatbush, Brooklyn, the center aims to bring new amenities to the residents of East Flatbush while honoring the history and heritage of the community. The new center is named after Brooklyn-born politician Shirley Chisholm, the first African American woman to serve in Congress and the first woman and African American to seek the nomination for president of the United States.

Unveiling New Images of Snøhetta's Spiraling Shanghai Opera House

Snøhetta has just released construction images showing the progress on the studio’s long-awaited Shanghai Grand Opera House in China. With its iconic fan-shaped roof, the firm has been commissioned the scheme in 2019 following an international design competition. The project is set to be completed in 2025, seeking to attract a broad audience for traditional, classical, and experimental performances.

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Probably the Largest Brick Beam to Date: An Impressive Feat at the Danish Crown Headquarters

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Brick beams have been widely used in construction due to their strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal. By embedding steel reinforcing bars into a series of bricks arranged in a specific pattern, these elements form horizontal load-bearing structures that distribute the weight and forces that act on a building. However, it is difficult to find brick beams with excessively large spans, in order to avoid long-term structural problems. Instead, they mostly come in the form of simple lintels, which can be easier to handle.

With a length of 16.2 meters and an impressive clear span of 15.8 meters, CEBRA architects have collaborated with the Randers Tegl group, the largest brick supplier in Scandinavia, to complete the construction of probably the longest brick beam to date. This exterior beam is accompanied by a 13-meter-span interior "sister" beam and is located above the main entrance to the Danish Crown's new headquarters in Randers, Denmark, extending freely between two of the building's wings. The longest beam is made up of almost 4,200 bricks – its height is made up of 25 rows of bricks, equivalent to 1.6 meters, and its edge consists of 4 bricks.

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WORKac Breaks Ground on "The People's Theater" in Inwood, New York

WORKac has just initiated the construction of a new cultural center in Inwood, New York. Led by immigrants and women of color, “The People’s Theater: Centro Cultural Inmigrante” is dedicated to supporting immigrant New Yorkers through various artistic programs. Spanning multiple languages and generations, their unique form of theater serves as a dynamic platform for immigrants and members of the Latin, Black, and Queer communities.

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What Materials Can Promote Health in Interior Architecture?

Recent statistics suggest that if someone lives until they are 80, around 72 of those years will be spent inside buildings. This makes sense if we bear in mind that, when not at home, humans are working, learning or engaging in fun activities mostly in enclosed, built settings. Contemplating current events, however, this number is expected to grow. In an increasingly chaotic and uncertain world, marked by the ongoing effects of climate change and the global pandemic, the desire to stay indoors in a protected, controlled and peaceful environment is stronger than ever. Architects face an important challenge: to create comfortable, productive and healthy interiors with well-regulated parameters, considering factors like indoor air quality, daylighting and biophilic features from the initial stages of design. Of course, this involves choosing materials sensitively and accordingly, whether it be by avoiding certain health-harming components or by integrating non-toxic products that soothe and promote wellness.

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How to Use Alternative Products and Materials to Reduce a Project’s Carbon Footprint

Working within the restrictions of a limited carbon footprint can be one of the hardest – but also most rewarding – parts of a modern architect’s role. Whether to suit a large multinational corporation’s sustainability report, to achieve LEED status or similar for a commercial developer, or to build an eco-home for a climate-conscious private client – or even one who just wants to spend less on energy, it’s imperative to keep up-to-date with the latest carbon-neutral and low-carbon building practices and materials.

Whether looking at a project’s structural beginnings, its high-grade finishes, or thinking more holistically about its entire lifetime, there are huge gains to be made with sustainable substitutes and alternatives to traditional materials and techniques.

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Should We Consider Timber in Social Housing Projects?

Housing is a fundamental aspect of architecture, providing shelter, which is essential for everyone. In urban environments, addressing the housing challenge is both urgent and complex. Social housing initiatives aim to provide a substantial portion of the population with access to this fundamental architectural concept: a home.

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Money and the Conundrum of Architects Who Don’t Build

This article was originally published on Common Edge.

If you’ve been in the profession of architecture long enough, you come to know a certain rarified subset of fellow professionals: Those who call themselves “architects,” who have a degree, and who may even be licensed and members of the AIA, but who do not practice architecture. They simply like being an “architect.”

Wood: ArchDaily's Best Articles

Wood has played a key role in the history of architecture by adding warmth, versatility, and sustainability to buildings. Today, its use is experiencing a renewed interest, driven both by technological advancements brought about by the use of Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) and by growing environmental awareness.

The following list is an index of articles, news, and projects published on ArchDaily that cover everything you need to know about the use of wood in architecture, from design strategies and the latest trends to its application in construction works and building materials.

A Guide To Starting a Bamboo Building Project

As the world increasingly recognizes the importance of adopting sustainable construction practices, bamboo’s versatility, strength, and renewable qualities are generating significant momentum in the transition toward a circular material economy. From initial idea to completion, this article will provide you with valuable insights to begin your bamboo building project, from the perspective of Bamboo U.