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Natural or Artificially Pigmented Materials? Exploring Color Variations and their Effects

Materiality is a determining factor in shaping the character and experience of a building. Playing with the aesthetic and tactile qualities of materials, the design process encompasses their analysis, selection, and arrangement to create purposeful and sensory-rich spaces. Alongside textures and patterns, exploring materiality also involves the study of color possibilities. The versatile role of color in architectural materials extends beyond mere aesthetics, as it can broaden design opportunities and influence emotional responses, functionality, cultural relevance, and environmental performance. 

Even though each material has its distinctive inherent color, the addition of artificial or natural pigments can modify them in favor of the project’s identity. Delving into the debate on maintaining raw aesthetics or changing a material’s natural hues, we showcase various projects to study the differences between using natural versus artificial pigmentation of glass, concrete, brick, stone and wood.

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Natural Pigments in Architecture: Sources, Applications and Why to Use Them

In the face of a climate emergency, various fields are under pressure to reformulate their operations and actions, and architecture is no exception. After all, the built environment and the construction industry are responsible for a considerable percentage of carbon gas emissions into the atmosphere. Rethinking and restructuring the construction chain - from design to execution - is the order of the day for construction professionals.

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Color in Hospitality Design: 20 Restaurant Interiors that Set the Right Tone

In the competitive world of restaurants – particularly at a time when influencers are gaining more and more control over the sphere of fine dining –, creating a memorable meal experience is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. While factors like food quality and service certainly play pivotal roles in making diners return to their eatery of choice, the impact that restaurant interiors can have on an establishment's longevity should not be overlooked. Among the various elements contributing to a memorable ambiance, color takes center stage. We delve into the significance of striking the right tone in restaurant design through 20 projects from our ArchDaily database.

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Brazilian Houses With “Balcony-Rooms”: When Living Extends From the Interior to the Exterior

A residential architectural project almost always seeks to integrate interior and exterior to get closer to nature and improve comfort or aesthetics. Considering living spaces, this dialogue between open and closed environments becomes even more relevant. After all, it makes the room more flexible and suggests various ways of occupying it, regardless of the number of people or the time of year.

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Social Sustainability: Participatory Design in Collective Space Creation

Increasingly, the concept of social sustainability has become a central theme in contemporary architecture discussions as users' subjective and non-static needs become paramount in the design process. Social sustainability in architecture aims to design and construct buildings and urban spaces that promote well-being, inclusion, and community cohesion. It focuses on creating environments that enable positive human interactions, support diverse needs, and improve the overall quality of life for people who inhabit and use these spaces. Socially sustainable architecture considers the social, cultural, economic, and health aspects of a community to address societal challenges and provide long-term benefits to residents.

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Architecture for Music: Contemporary Works in Mexico that Blend Disciplines

The relationship between architecture and music has existed throughout history and can be observed in various aspects. The way architectural spaces are designed can affect the sound quality and auditory experience of a musical piece. The acoustics of a place, determined by its shape, size, and materials used in its construction, can influence how sounds and music are perceived. That's why architecture plays an essential role in the design of auditoriums and concert halls. The aspects to consider include space distribution, seat placement, the shape of the venue, and acoustics to ensure an optimal sonic experience.

Design Depot: 30 Projects that Explore Diverse Storage Solutions

With the rise of small houses and dense cities, we were forced to sacrifice a good amount of storage space. Ironically, we did not compromise our purchasing habits, so with a few square meters to work with, architects and designers had to come up with efficient storage solutions and make the best of the limited space they have. However, if you were lucky enough to be occupying a large, unobscured space with a generous budget, your storage design possibilities are endless. In this article, we look at how architects and designers found creative ways to store their belongings in spaces with different functions, scales, and spatial constraints, ranging from completely invisible units to sculptural centerpieces.

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Opening Up / Door Design Workshop: Luxury Craftsmanship and Innovation

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Step into the world of Door Design Workshop with the 7th episode of FritsJurgens’ series Opening Up.

Ceilings for Residential Architecture: Benefits and Disadvantages of Each Material

More than just hiding and protecting installations, ceiling lining can transform an environment's perception. Combining functionality and aesthetics, this element, in addition to serving as a support for lighting, can add layers of texture and colors that enhance interior quality and comfort. Factors that vary depending on the chosen material. Therefore, understanding their differences, benefits, and disadvantages is essential when designing internal spaces.

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Brazilian Houses That Transform and Reuse Attic Space

Attics are floors at the top of a house, close to the roof. Due to the roof slope angle, they usually have an inclined shape, which limits their space and makes them underutilized environments. However, despite this particularity, attics can have several uses in a project and convert into multifunctional spaces for residents.

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La Fábrica by Ricardo Bofill: A Harmonious Blend of Past and Present

La Fábrica, an iconic project by Ricardo Bofill, stands as a testament to the transformative power of architecture. Located in the environs of Barcelona, this creation showcases the remarkable metamorphosis of an abandoned cement factory into a stunning architectural masterpiece.

Contemporary Architecture: The Importance of Local Culture in Practice

Contemporary architecture does not come from scratch. Today’s projects are based on a series of experiments that have occurred since humanity began to conceive living and coexistence spaces. An intrinsic connection between customs, traditions, local materials, and construction techniques gave rise to ancestral and vernacular architectures. The influence of each population's context and culture can be an inspiration for contemporary architects who, by looking to the past, can effectively respond to the future.

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Under Construction: Infraestudio and the new Cuban Architecture

Infraestudio is an architecture and art practice based in Havana that has been obsessed with fiction since its foundation in 2016. Fernando Martirena, Anadis González, and other members and collaborators work from a narrative and discursive approach to experiment with various resources such as buildings, research, exhibitions, writings, and activism. This has allowed them to operate discreetly in a city frozen in time, recounting how contemporary architecture is done in Cuba today.

For these reasons, Infraestudio was selected by ArchDaily as one of the best new architectural practices of 2023. They are concerned with creating architecture that blends into the landscape, showcasing emptiness as a representation of an idea, focusing not on forms but on strategies, and building with the bare essentials.

The Energy Efficiency Policy Package: Key Catalyst for Building Decarbonisation and Climate Action

The buildings and construction sectors are key players in the fight against climate change –Combined, they are responsible for 30% of global final energy consumption and 27% of total energy sector CO2 emissions. Further, energy demand from buildings and construction continues to rise, driven by improved access to energy in developing countries, growing need for air conditioning, greater ownership and use of energy-consuming appliances, and a rapid growth in global floor area. Without targeted policy actions, the energy used in buildings could increase up to around 70% in 2050.

Bathrooms in Spain: 10 Integrated Configurations to Apply in Home Design

From a design perspective, the integration and connection of different spaces in homes have taken center stage in contemporary architectural scenes, driven by the need to make the most out of increasingly limited spaces. By eliminating dividing walls or enclosures and employing diverse materials in flooring, fixtures, and installations, bathrooms are often integrated with bedrooms, creating a sense of spaciousness that harmonizes with the interior design defined within these areas.

Algorithm-based Architecture: Flexible Bricks to Wrap Architectural Spaces

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There are many building materials that have experienced minimal changes since their initial inception in the field of architecture. However, this does not imply that they are outdated, but rather that their qualities and simplicity make them highly versatile materials also demonstrate the resilience and durability of materials that withstand the test of time. An example of this is brick, a timeless material that has been able to adapt over the years, serving functions such as walls, cladding, and flooring, among others. Under this premise, Louis Khan referred to the expressive possibilities of brick, stating, "Even a brick wants to be something. It aspires."

Thanks to the progress of new technologies applied to materials, disruptive proposals have arisen that converge in new construction systems. On many occasions, these new technologies are combined with materials considered "traditional," generating new concepts in which materials such as brick find new applications and possibilities. One of these new concepts is Flexbrick, a ceramic textile with an industrialized system that combines flexible sheets to wrap architectural spaces. This opens up new possibilities for applications at the forefront of the parametric architecture revolution, using a flexible, adaptable, and sustainable material.

Little Big Architecture: Getting to Know Jirau’s Work

When it comes to architecture, scale is inevitably mentioned for graphic and two-dimensional representation of the built area, land size, and city extension. Architecture is a grand discipline with robust constructions and large areas, but the field of action is vast, encompassing "smaller" scales: essential housing, restricted land, and small cities.

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