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Architecture Classics: Julio Mario Santo Domingo Cultural Center / Bermúdez Arquitectos

The intervention project includes the design of the Julio Mario Santo Domingo Cultural Center and Public Library, as well as the 6-hectare San José de Bavaria recreational park. With its completion, a new recreational and cultural hub was established for the Suba area and the city.

Breaking the Standards: 10 Architects Who Are Daring in their Color Palettes

Colors are much more than just aesthetics. They can tamper with the sensations a space conveys, how we perceive the environment, and even comfort issues. With so many factors that they can influence, using them is not an easy task, and that is why many architects choose to stick with the classic white, grayscale, or even exposed materials to avoid any possible visual conflict. However, some architectural practices dare to use bold color palettes and create unique works that stand out precisely because of how colors help compose the project.

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How to Design Sports Arenas

Sports arenas hold significant relevance in society as they serve as vital meeting places for sports and cultural activities. They play a role in enhancing overall well-being, encouraging an active lifestyle, and fostering social inclusion. Within these projects, architects assume the responsibility of designing spaces that seamlessly accommodate athletes and the community. Moreover, architects must actively engage with the surroundings to create a harmonious dialogue and establish a distinct identity for the arena.

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Architecture Classics: Biblioteca El Tintal / Bermúdez Arquitectos

El Tintal Library is the result of reusing a former disused waste transfer plant and transforming the 5-hectare site into a park along Avenida Ciudad de Cali with 6th Street. The rescued building from ruin was a 25-meter-wide by 72-meter-long industrial warehouse with a total area of 3,600 m², distributed over two floors of considerable height. Built with a sturdy concrete structure and large spans, it was adaptable to new use, enhancing its robust and industrial appearance.

Masslab Wins Competition to Design Affordable Housing in Lisbon

The Portuguese office MASSLAB won a competition promoted by the Housing and Urban Rehabilitation Institute (IHRU, IP) for 100 affordable housing units in Lisbon. The competition aimed to integrate the new buildings with heritage values and the city’s urban fabric next to the Estrela Basilica.

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Brazilian Houses With “Balcony-Rooms”: When Living Extends From the Interior to the Exterior

A residential architectural project almost always seeks to integrate interior and exterior to get closer to nature and improve comfort or aesthetics. Considering living spaces, this dialogue between open and closed environments becomes even more relevant. After all, it makes the room more flexible and suggests various ways of occupying it, regardless of the number of people or the time of year.

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Ceilings for Residential Architecture: Benefits and Disadvantages of Each Material

More than just hiding and protecting installations, ceiling lining can transform an environment's perception. Combining functionality and aesthetics, this element, in addition to serving as a support for lighting, can add layers of texture and colors that enhance interior quality and comfort. Factors that vary depending on the chosen material. Therefore, understanding their differences, benefits, and disadvantages is essential when designing internal spaces.

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La Fábrica by Ricardo Bofill: A Harmonious Blend of Past and Present

La Fábrica, an iconic project by Ricardo Bofill, stands as a testament to the transformative power of architecture. Located in the environs of Barcelona, this creation showcases the remarkable metamorphosis of an abandoned cement factory into a stunning architectural masterpiece.

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At our offices in Zurich, Berlin, Milan, Santiago de Chile, and Mexico City, DAAily platforms comprise a team of around 200 architects, designers, sales experts, communications specialists, and IT experts.

As inspiring and valuable curated platforms for the architecture and design community, Designboom, Architonic, and ArchDaily share combined online traffic of in excess of 270 million visits per year. Moreover, as one entity, DAAily platforms share a common mission: to empower everyone who makes architecture and design happen to create a better quality of life.

Designing Innovative Small Kitchens With Different Compositions and Materials

Nowadays, homes are built in increasingly smaller spaces in densely populated cities. The kitchens, which today serve not only to prepare meals but also as meeting spaces where we receive guests, are the places that have undergone the most transformations in recent decades. Whether by integrating with other living areas or by the super functional design of a single counter, there is an increasing search for innovation in this fundamental part of a home.

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Architecture Classics: Library and Auditorium at Jorge Tadeo Lozano University / Bermúdez Arquitectos

The project contemplates the development of a building and a square that aims to articulate and integrate the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University with the center of Bogotá, revitalizing and converting what was once a deteriorated residential and industrial suburb into an open and public campus. The building results from overlapping a volume of 47 meters in width and depth with another volume of 40 meters in width and depth, creating a covered perimeter walkway on the first floor that extends along the sidewalks of the surrounding streets. With a total height of 30 meters, the building consists of 4 large floors, with clear heights ranging from 3.4 to 6.1 meters.

Bathroom Niche and Other Tips to Optimize Space and Aesthetics in This Environment

Designing a bathroom requires careful attention to detail to remain beautiful and organized. The amount of hygiene and health products typically stored in this environment requires functional cabinets and other strategies. Increasingly, we see the solution of using niches to create a recess in the wall. This allows optimizing the available space and, as a bonus, makes the environment more aesthetically pleasing. That's why we bring you some examples of bathroom niches and tips for their installation. In addition, we bring you other examples beyond traditional soap dishes.

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Biophilia in Brazilian Contemporary Architecture in 7 Projects

Biophilia, or love for life and nature, inspires architects around the world to create spaces that deeply connect with natural elements. These architectural projects seek to reintroduce nature into built environments, resulting in spaces that promote well-being, health, inspiration, and even productivity. In Brazil, the possibilities are even broader, given the country's exuberant climate and the vegetation found in various biomes. In this article, we will explore seven projects from different programs that embrace this concept and allow for a symbiosis between architecture, humans, and nature.

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“Siamo Foresta” Exhibition at the Milan Triennale Addresses the Future of the Planet Through Indigenous Artistic Perspectives

The Triennale Milano and Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain present the exhibition Siamo Foresta, inaugurated in June and open until October 29, 2023. Curated by Bruce Albert and Hervé Chandès, the exhibition features works by 27 artists from different countries and cultures, mainly from Latin America and indigenous communities.

The exhibition is the result of a partnership between the two institutions — which has already produced six projects over eight years — and seeks to reach diverse audiences and promote artists from different geographical contexts. Designed by Brazilian artist Luiz Zerbini, the exhibition highlights the importance of the forest as a central theme and provides an emotional connection between the works.

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Foodscapes: A Journey into the Architectures that Feed the World

Foodscapes: Spain's Pavilion for the Venice Architecture Biennale 2023, curated by Manuel Ocaña and Eduardo Castillo-Vinuesa, explores the Spanish agro-architectural context to address global issues. It analyzes the past and present of food systems and the architectures that construct them, in order to look towards the future and question other possible models that are capable of feeding the world without devouring the planet.

How to Combine Colors and Textures in Interior Decor

Colors directly influence space perception. Through them, it is possible to stimulate the user's mood - making the environment calmer or more dynamic - and also change our perception of space without changing a centimeter of any wall. Dealing with them is not always easy. In a time when we want rooms with more personality (or more "instagrammable"), learning to compose with different shades and textures is essential.

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Biophilic Landscaping in Educational Spaces: Stimulating Learning, Well-Being and Creativity

Environments that inspire, promote well-being and stimulate a connection with nature. Biophilic landscaping in education spaces recognizes the importance of this bond for student development, as it benefits well-being, academic performance, and people's health. We have selected eight projects that bring natural elements to the classroom or that place students directly in nature to illustrate the qualities in these spaces.

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