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  2. Tilburg

Tilburg: The Latest Architecture and News

Marga Klompé Building / Powerhouse Company

Marga Klompé Building / Powerhouse Company - Exterior Photography, University, FacadeMarga Klompé Building / Powerhouse Company - Exterior Photography, University, Facade, Column, BeamMarga Klompé Building / Powerhouse Company - Interior Photography, University, Stairs, Facade, TableMarga Klompé Building / Powerhouse Company - Exterior Photography, University, FacadeMarga Klompé Building / Powerhouse Company - More Images+ 37

Oude Dijk Housing / Shift Architecture Urbanism

Oude Dijk Housing / Shift Architecture Urbanism - Exterior Photography, Apartments, Garden, Facade, DoorOude Dijk Housing / Shift Architecture Urbanism - Interior Photography, Apartments, FacadeOude Dijk Housing / Shift Architecture Urbanism - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeOude Dijk Housing / Shift Architecture Urbanism - Interior Photography, Apartments, Lighting, BenchOude Dijk Housing / Shift Architecture Urbanism - More Images+ 30

Bus Station Tilburg / architectenbureau cepezed

Bus Station Tilburg / architectenbureau cepezed - SustainabilityBus Station Tilburg / architectenbureau cepezed - Interior Photography, Sustainability, FacadeBus Station Tilburg / architectenbureau cepezed - Exterior Photography, Sustainability, Facade, DoorBus Station Tilburg / architectenbureau cepezed - SustainabilityBus Station Tilburg / architectenbureau cepezed - More Images+ 15

Proyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme

Proyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme - GreenhouseProyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme - Interior Photography, Greenhouse, FacadeProyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme - Exterior Photography, Greenhouse, FacadeProyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme - Interior Photography, Greenhouse, FacadeProyecto Roble / Équipe Voor Architectuur En Urbanisme - More Images+ 18

LocHal Library / CIVIC architects + Braaksma & Roos architectenbureau + Inside Outside + Mecanoo

LocHal Library / CIVIC architects + Braaksma & Roos architectenbureau + Inside Outside +  Mecanoo - Adaptive ReuseLocHal Library / CIVIC architects + Braaksma & Roos architectenbureau + Inside Outside +  Mecanoo - Interior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, Kitchen, LightingLocHal Library / CIVIC architects + Braaksma & Roos architectenbureau + Inside Outside +  Mecanoo - Exterior Photography, Adaptive Reuse, FacadeLocHal Library / CIVIC architects + Braaksma & Roos architectenbureau + Inside Outside +  Mecanoo - Drawings, Adaptive Reuse, Stairs, Facade, Beam, HandrailLocHal Library / CIVIC architects + Braaksma & Roos architectenbureau + Inside Outside +  Mecanoo - More Images+ 36

CUBE / KAAN Architecten

CUBE / KAAN Architecten - University, Table, ChairCUBE / KAAN Architecten - University, FacadeCUBE / KAAN Architecten - University, ChairCUBE / KAAN Architecten - University, Facade, Column, Chair, TableCUBE / KAAN Architecten - More Images+ 46

Piushaven Harbour Pavilion / Civic Architects

Piushaven Harbour Pavilion / Civic Architects - Public Architecture, FacadePiushaven Harbour Pavilion / Civic Architects - Public Architecture, FacadePiushaven Harbour Pavilion / Civic Architects - Public Architecture, Patio, Beam, Facade, ChairPiushaven Harbour Pavilion / Civic Architects - Public Architecture, Facade, BeamPiushaven Harbour Pavilion / Civic Architects - More Images+ 19

  • Architects: Civic Architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  260
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  AkzoNobel, Alcoa, Pine Waxed wood

Van Spaendonck Enterprise House / architectenbureau cepezed

Van Spaendonck Enterprise House / architectenbureau cepezed - Exterior Photography, Refurbishment, FacadeVan Spaendonck Enterprise House / architectenbureau cepezed - Interior Photography, Refurbishment, TableVan Spaendonck Enterprise House / architectenbureau cepezed - Interior Photography, Refurbishment, StairsVan Spaendonck Enterprise House / architectenbureau cepezed - Interior Photography, Refurbishment, Table, ChairVan Spaendonck Enterprise House / architectenbureau cepezed - More Images+ 29

Willem II Passage / Civic Architects

Willem II Passage / Civic Architects - Urban Design Willem II Passage / Civic Architects - Urban Design Willem II Passage / Civic Architects - Exterior Photography, Urban Design , FacadeWillem II Passage / Civic Architects - Urban Design Willem II Passage / Civic Architects - More Images+ 20

  • Architects: Civic Architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  3500
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Lustlab, Storax, Van Tetterode
  • Professionals: CIVIC architects

Construction Begins on Project to Transform Railway Hangar into a Mixed-Use Library in The Netherlands

Construction has begun on the LocHal, a new mixed-use complex in Tillburg, The Netherlands. Designed by CIVIC Architects (a submember of The Cloud Collective) in collobaration with Braaksma & Roos architecten, Arup and Inside Outside, the project will be located in a former Dutch Railways hangar and maintenance facility, serving as a catalyst for the redevelopment of the city’s 75 hectare railway district. Opening up the area to the public, LocHal will offer visitors a large public hall and plaza, work spaces, conference areas, galleries, a library, a music hall and restaurant.

Construction Begins on Project to Transform Railway Hangar into a Mixed-Use Library in The Netherlands - FacadeConstruction Begins on Project to Transform Railway Hangar into a Mixed-Use Library in The Netherlands - Facade, Beam, Stairs, HandrailConstruction Begins on Project to Transform Railway Hangar into a Mixed-Use Library in The Netherlands - BeamConstruction Begins on Project to Transform Railway Hangar into a Mixed-Use Library in The Netherlands - BeamConstruction Begins on Project to Transform Railway Hangar into a Mixed-Use Library in The Netherlands - More Images+ 9

Shoesme / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur

Shoesme / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur - Store, Door, FacadeShoesme / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur - Store, Kitchen, Beam, Table, Chair, CountertopShoesme / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur - Store, Door, Facade, BenchShoesme / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur - Store, Garden, FacadeShoesme / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur - More Images+ 17

Riel Estate / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur

Riel Estate / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur - Houses, FacadeRiel Estate / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur - Houses, Door, Facade, Beam, Column, ArchRiel Estate / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur - Houses, Garden, Facade, DoorRiel Estate / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur - Houses, Stairs, HandrailRiel Estate / Joris Verhoeven Architectuur - More Images+ 24

Museum De Pont Expansion and New Entrance Gate / Benthem Crouwel Architects

Museum De Pont Expansion and New Entrance Gate / Benthem Crouwel Architects - Extension, Facade, Handrail, Table, ChairMuseum De Pont Expansion and New Entrance Gate / Benthem Crouwel Architects - Extension, Beam, FacadeMuseum De Pont Expansion and New Entrance Gate / Benthem Crouwel Architects - Extension, Beam, Facade, ArchMuseum De Pont Expansion and New Entrance Gate / Benthem Crouwel Architects - Extension, FacadeMuseum De Pont Expansion and New Entrance Gate / Benthem Crouwel Architects - More Images+ 14

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  1100
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  TDE-lighttech, Lignatur, TBA

Houtloods / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects

Houtloods / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects - Renovation, Beam, Facade, Table, ChairHoutloods / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects - Renovation, Garden, FacadeHoutloods / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects - Renovation, Beam, Facade, Table, ChairHoutloods / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects - Renovation, FacadeHoutloods / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects - More Images+ 13

Villa H in Brabant / Coenen Sättele Architecten

Villa H in Brabant / Coenen Sättele Architecten - Houses, Garden, FacadeVilla H in Brabant / Coenen Sättele Architecten - Houses, Door, FacadeVilla H in Brabant / Coenen Sättele Architecten - Houses, FacadeVilla H in Brabant / Coenen Sättele Architecten - Houses, Bathroom, Bathtub, Lighting, Sink, CountertopVilla H in Brabant / Coenen Sättele Architecten - More Images+ 14

Beatrix College Tilburg / architecten|en|en

Beatrix College Tilburg / architecten|en|en  - Interior Photography, Schools , Door, ChairBeatrix College Tilburg / architecten|en|en  - Exterior Photography, Schools , FacadeBeatrix College Tilburg / architecten|en|en  - Interior Photography, Schools , Stairs, Beam, Facade, HandrailBeatrix College Tilburg / architecten|en|en  - Schools Beatrix College Tilburg / architecten|en|en  - More Images+ 16

Bedaux-Nagengast Residence / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects

Bedaux-Nagengast  Residence / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects - Houses, Facade, HandrailBedaux-Nagengast  Residence / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects - Houses, Kitchen, Facade, Table, Chair, CountertopBedaux-Nagengast  Residence / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects - Houses, Facade, Door, StairsBedaux-Nagengast  Residence / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects - Houses, Garden, Facade, DoorBedaux-Nagengast  Residence / Bedaux de Brouwer Architects - More Images+ 17

Primary School De Vuurvogel / Grosfeld van der Velde Architecten

Primary School De Vuurvogel / Grosfeld van der Velde Architecten - Schools , Facade
© René de Wit

Primary School De Vuurvogel / Grosfeld van der Velde Architecten - Schools , FacadePrimary School De Vuurvogel / Grosfeld van der Velde Architecten - Schools , Stairs, Handrail, FacadePrimary School De Vuurvogel / Grosfeld van der Velde Architecten - Schools , Table, ChairPrimary School De Vuurvogel / Grosfeld van der Velde Architecten - Schools , FacadePrimary School De Vuurvogel / Grosfeld van der Velde Architecten - More Images+ 22