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New York: The Latest Architecture and News

Bloomberg's Next Move: Leading an 'Urban SWAT Team'

After a 12 year mayoral run, many have been wondering what Michael Bloomberg's next move will be. The answer: be mayor of every city (kind of). Bloomberg, along with most of his New York City Hall team (including transportation commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan), has shifted his focus to Bloomberg Associates, a consultancy group that - like an 'urban SWAT team' - offers advice to cities that call for it. For free. To learn more about Bloomberg's newest initiative, read the full article here on The New York Times.

Boffo Building Fashion 2013 / Neiheiser & Valle

Boffo Building Fashion 2013 / Neiheiser & Valle  - Retail , Door, FacadeBoffo Building Fashion 2013 / Neiheiser & Valle  - Retail Boffo Building Fashion 2013 / Neiheiser & Valle  - Retail Boffo Building Fashion 2013 / Neiheiser & Valle  - Retail , ForestBoffo Building Fashion 2013 / Neiheiser & Valle  - More Images+ 11

  • Architects: Neiheiser & Valle
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  640 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2013

Remembering Neimeyer: The Works of a Master

Many architects enter the profession with hopes of creating something that outlives them, something that is bigger than themselves, that can advocate for a better world. Oscar Niemeyer was such an architect, one who fought for designs that would serve everyone. The master of Brazilian architecture passed away one year ago after complications from a previous kidney condition. In honor of what would have been his birthday today, we’ve rounded up a few of his masterpieces, from his elegant and curvy Niterói Contemporary Art Museum, his collaboration on the United Nations Headquarters in New York, the traditional spectacle space of his Sambadrome, the spiraling Niemeyer Center in Aviles, and the powerful parabolic expression in his Cathedral of Brasilia. Enjoy!

Design: A Long Term Preventative Medicine

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) and MIT’s Center for Advanced Urbanism has produced a new report examining urban health in eight of the USA’s largest cities, which has been translated into a collection of meaningful findings for architects, designers, and urban planners. With more than half of the world’s population living in urban areas - a statistic which is projected to grow to 70% by 2050 - the report hinges around the theory that “massive urbanization can negatively affect human and environmental health in unique ways” and that, in many cases, these affects can be addressed by architects and designers by the way we create within and build upon our cities.

MOS Architects Take on Humanitarian Design in Nepal

In this article, which originally appeared on Australian Design Review as "Reframing Concrete in Nepal," Aleksandr Bierig describes how New York-based MOS Architects, a firm better known for its experimental work, is designing an orphanage for a small community in Nepal.

Strangely enough it has become almost unremarkable that an office such as New York-based MOS Architects would find itself designing an orphanage for a small community in Nepal. Now under construction in Jorpati, eight kilometres north-east of the capital, Kathmandu, is the Lali Gurans Orphanage and Learning Centre, which finds itself at the intersection of any number of tangential trends: the rise of international aid and non-governmental organisations, the seeming annihilation of space by global communications networks and the latent desire of architects to use their designs to effect appreciable social change. Emphasizing simple construction techniques and sustainable design features, the building hopes to serve as a model for the surrounding communities, as an educational and environmental hub, the provider of social services for Nepalese women and as a home for some 50 children.

MOS Architects, founded in 2003 by US architects Michael Meredith and Hilary Sample, is not a practice known for its involvement in humanitarian projects. Its work is often experimental and, at times, willfully strange. Alongside its architecture, MOS makes films, teaches studios, designs furniture and gives lectures on its work. It was after one lecture in Denver, Colorado in 2009 that Christopher Gish approached Meredith and Sample to ask if they would be interested in designing an orphanage.

Elevated Park Planned for World Trade Center

The World Trade Center’s “best-kept secret” has been revealed. As reported by the New York Times, the Port Authority released details on what will be “Liberty Park,” an acre-sized, elevated park lifted 25 feet above Liberty Street on the WTC site. Planned for completion in 2015, the $50 million landscaped terrace will connect the financial district with Battery Park City, while providing a panoramic view of the National September 11 Memorial and serving as a forecourt for the new St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. More information on Liberty Park can be found here.

Four Architectural Innovations Make Time's Top 25 Inventions For 2013

Last week Time Magazine released their list of the top 25 inventions of 2013. The list covers both fun and life-changing new ideas, covering everything from the Cronut to the Artificial Pancreas - but there are also four architectural innovations that made the prestigious list. Find out more about them after the break.

“Immersive Bowl-Shaped Structure” Proposed to be High Line’s Final Gateway

Friends of the High Line, along side James Corner Field Operations and Diller Scofidio + Renfro, have unveiled what could possibly be the gateway into the third and final stretch of New York’s most prized parkway. Planned to mark the northeast terminus of the High Line at Rail Yards on 10th Avenue at West 30th Street, the “immersive bowl-shaped structure,” known as “The Spur,” hopes to bring a pocket of New York’s lush woodlands to the heart of the city.

NYIT Students Turn Plastic Bottles Into Disaster Relief

Last week’s devastating typhoon in the Philippines has reminded designers of the ongoing challenge of creating safe, temporary shelters when natural disasters hit. Crates of food and water are some of the first types of aid delivered to these ravaged areas; so what if these resources could be designed to also provide shelter and minimize waste? The New York Institute of Technology’s School of Architecture asked just that question and came up with a solution: SodaBIB, a new type of shipping pallet that would allow commonly used plastic bottles to be used for shelter.

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10 Projects Advance to Rebuild by Design's Final Round

After three months of in-depth analysis and public outreach, the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) has shortlisted 10 design “opportunities” for the third and final round of Rebuild by Design. The design competition, focused on making New York’s Sandy-effected regions more resilient, sustainable, and livable, will now have the final project teams collaborate with local and regional stakeholders in developing their projects over the next five months. The goal is to arrive at projects that are implementable and fundable, leveraging the variety of federal recovery investments being made in the region.

OMA, BIG and WXY are just a few practices involved in the final round. Read on to review a glimpse of each shortlisted proposal.

Calatrava Reveals Design for Church on 9/11 Memorial Site

The site of 9/11 has seen significant change in the last decade, from the addition of David Childs’s redesign of the One World Trade Center to Santiago Calatrava’s PATH station. It looks like the site’s transformation is set to continue - Calatrava recently revealed images of the new St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, to be rebuilt across Liberty Street from Handel Architects’ September 11 Memorial. The images, showing a distinctly Orthodox Christian design, have already begun to attract criticism in the debate over placing religious institutions around the World Trade Center.

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Current Work: David Adjaye's Lecture at The Cooper Union

Each year The Architectural League in its Current Work program presents the work of significant international figures who powerfully influence contemporary architectural practice and shape the future of the built environment. David Adjaye will present his work in a public lecture to be followed by a conversation with moderator Gregg Pasquarelli, founding principal at SHoP Architects.

SLO Architecture Wins Inaugural Dwell Vision Award

The inaugural Dwell Vision Award, designed to "celebrate excellence in innovation and skill in the fields of architecture or interior design," has been awarded to New York based Amanda Schachter and Alexander Levi of SLO Architecture for "Harvest Dome 2.0". According to Dwell, "the gigantic Harvest Dome structure, made from recycled materials, captured the imagination of the judges by emphasizing the human connection to nature and New York’s waterways, often overlooked by the urban population."

2014 YAP P.S.1 Shortlist

MoMA P.S.1 has announced five finalists to compete in the 2014 Young Architects Program (YAP). Now in it’s 15th edition, the competition will challenge a group of emerging architects to design a temporary installation within the walls of the P.S.1 courtyard for MoMA’s annual summer “Warm-Up” series.

The 2014 shortlist includes Collective-LOK (Jon Lott of PARA-Project, William O’Brien Jr. of WOJR, & Michael Kubo of over,under; NY, MA), Fake Industries Architectural Agonism (Cristina Goberna & Urtzi Grau; NY), LAMAS (Wei-Han Vivian Lee & James Macgillivray; Ann Arbor, Toronto), Pita + Bloom (Florencia Pita & Jackilin Hah Bloom; Los Angeles), and The Living (David Benjamin; NY). The winners will be announced in early 2014.

Projects in Contemporary Art & Architecture: Between Vision and Function

This exhibition features projects by renowned architects of schools, museums, art galleries and cultural spaces via models, photos, prints, and drawings. Art works by National Academy School faculty and students continue the debate of line, form, space and light as inspired by architectural forms and interiors.

IIDA NY: Design for Learning

This course will discuss the principal changes in pedagogy and how it affects institutional design. The evolution of pedagogy can be summarized by the following four principals: Learning is at its best constructivist, experimental, connected, and lifeline and informal. Using these principals we will explore different case studies of contemporary institutional design (k-12 and higher education), and see how these changes in pedagogy affect the way students learn , teachers teach, and architects and designers design. 

Ennead Awarded for "Leading Innovation" in FAR ROC Design Competition

Ennead Architects / Ennead Lab was recognized for Leading Innovation in Resilient Waterfront Development and named runner-up in the "For a Resilient Rockaway" (FAR ROC) design competition. The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) and its affiliates made the announcement on Wednesday at the Arverne East site in the Rockaways. Titled "Fostering Resilient Ecological Development" (F.R.E.D.), Ennead’s submission creates a solution that is not only practical but also replicable for low-lying coastal communities up and down the Atlantic seaboard.

Columbia University School of Nursing / CO|FXFOWLE

Columbia University School of Nursing / CO|FXFOWLE - University, Facade

FXFOWLE and CO Architects (CO|FXFOWLE) have teamed up to design a seven-story School of Nursing building for the Columbia University Medical Center campus in upper Manhattan. The result of an invited design competition, the design will provide 65% more space than the school's current location and will be designed to achieve LEED Silver certification.