Eduardo Souza

Brands and Materials Senior Editor. Architect and Master from Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).


Harmonizing Security and Aesthetics in Access Control Systems

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The adoption of advanced access control solutions is essential to maintaining security and safety in various contexts, from businesses and institutions to residences and public spaces. Their main objective is to regulate who can access or use a specific resource, location, or system, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access. In an increasingly interconnected and digital world, the implementation of access control systems has become essential to protect confidential information, ensure the integrity of physical and virtual environments, and prevent unauthorized access that can result in theft, data breaches, or other security incidents. These systems can encompass a variety of methods, including passwords, key cards, biometric scans, and security personnel, all working together to verify and allow entry only to those with permission.

Practical Guide: How to Integrate Holistic Solutions in Bathroom Design

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The term "holistic" refers to an approach that considers a system as a whole, rather than focusing on individual components. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of various elements and aims to create something balanced and harmonious that supports overall comfort. The approach is particularly valuable at a time when personal well-being and sustainability are at the forefront of design. This includes the integration of natural elements, such as light and water, to create calm, rejuvenating environments where balance and harmony ensure that all design elements work cohesively to form a unified space. Holistic bathroom spaces go beyond mere functionality by engaging the senses, promoting relaxation, and using resources responsibly, a comprehensive approach embraced by premium bathroom solutions brands like hansgrohe.

Transforming Site Surveys with 360-Degree Video Technology

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Accurate surveys are essential for an architectural project and subsequent construction to run as smoothly as possible. They provide detailed information on the physical characteristics of a site, existing structures, environmental conditions and possible obstacles, which will serve as prerequisites for the design stage, ensuring that all relevant factors are considered before construction begins. This information is vital for making informed decisions that harmonize with the environment and comply with local zoning regulations, building codes and environmental standards. Traditionally, these surveys have relied on manual measurements with tape measures, basic photographs, and, more recently, expensive laser scanning. All of these are susceptible to human error and can be extremely time-consuming, especially in large or complex areas. Laser scanning, despite being more accurate and comprehensive, involves expensive equipment and specialized technicians, increasing project costs and often extending the time needed to carry out the survey. 

8 Projects Featuring Sustainable, Contemporary Natural Slate Rainscreen Facades

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Slate is a metamorphic natural rock composed of clay minerals such as mica and chlorite, which give it a laminated texture and predominant shades of gray, black, and green. Widely used in the construction industry, it is known for its durability and distinct elegance, offering a timeless and sober finish for roofs and exterior walls. With its unique texture, it can transform the look of any structure using rectangular—or other shaped—pieces. Additionally, it is a highly resistant material to weather, fire, and environmental pollutants, ensuring long-term performance with minimal maintenance. Its eco-friendly production process, involving only raw material extraction and minimal processing, reduces CO₂ emissions, making it an ideal choice for sustainable contemporary architecture.

Integrating Well-Being into Outdoor Environments

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The notion of well-being goes far beyond the absence of disease. It encompasses physical, emotional, mental, and social aspects, reflecting a state of harmony and balance in all these areas. Pursuing well-being is a continuous process that requires comprehensive attention and care for the body and mind, and contact with nature or self-care rituals can also contribute. Indeed, in today’s fast-paced world, dominated by digital devices and urban life, in which truly disconnecting is very difficult, finding moments of peace and connection with oneself and nature has become increasingly important. Integrating well-being practices into outdoor environments offers an attractive solution, combining the therapeutic benefits of natural settings with cutting-edge wellness technology, providing a holistic refuge that nurtures the body and soul, and inviting individuals to relax and reconnect with the world around them.

The Interplay of Water and Light Through a Sculptural Experience Shower

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In the hustle and bustle of modern life, with deadlines, goals, and performance, finding moments of tranquility is essential for maintaining overall well-being and peace of mind. These moments provide a necessary break from daily stresses, allowing the mind and body to reset and thoughts to reorganize. Rituals of relaxation can create a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos, promoting a sense of balance and peace, providing a healthier and more harmonious lifestyle, and contributing to better physical and emotional health. However, these rituals need not be expensive or complex.

Simple activities, such as breathing exercises, taking a walk in nature, or a relaxing bath, can be extremely effective. In fact, taking time to experience the calming and energizing effects of water can significantly enhance mental clarity, bring new ideas, provide comfort, and improve mood.

Blending Nostalgia and Modernity: The Rise of Synthetic Profiles in Furniture Design

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Furniture made from natural materials is widely valued for its beauty and texture, especially when it comes to wood, bamboo, reed, and rattan. However, they often face challenges such as weather damage, pest infestations, and high maintenance requirements like regular cleaning and treatments to prevent fading and structural weakening. Additionally, their lack of uniformity and strength can compromise consistent quality, while harvesting the raw materials can have negative environmental impacts. These issues, combined with inconsistent availability and higher costs, have driven innovations in synthetic materials that aim to replicate the aesthetics of natural products, often using recycled materials to promote sustainability.

The Rise of Standing Desks for Active Workplaces

Vibrant colors, ping-pong tables, video games, free food and extravagant decorations. Photographs of the Silicon Valley offices of the early 2000s became the model for ideal, disruptive work environments, meticulously designed to attract and retain new talent in a highly competitive job market. Most importantly, they were the extreme opposite of the famous cubicles of previous decades. Over time, these same companies have invested in creating healthier and more dynamic working environments, giving special consideration to providing contact with nature and better ergonomics for employees. Among the innovations of the past years, the so-called “standing desks” have been gaining popularity, as they offer flexibility and promote a culture of health and well-being. Having the flexibility to work either standing up or sitting down encourages more movement throughout the day and has been proven to improve health and stretching, burn more calories and even increase concentration.

Multifunctional Furniture for Indoor-Outdoor Living

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In contemporary architecture, the boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces has increasingly been dissolved. This dissolution establishes a smooth transition between spaces, promoting a sense of harmony and connectivity with the surrounding environment. This trend reflects a fundamental change in contemporary lifestyles, where seamless integration between humans and their environment is increasingly valued and sought after. One of the ways this can be achieved is through fluid spatial arrangements or distinctive architectural elements, such as large windows, open plans and integrated outdoor areas. 

Other elements that promote integration and connection are multifunctional furniture. These can play a fundamental role in blurring the boundaries between indoor comfort and outdoor freedom. Andreu World, a Spanish company, offers furniture that transitions easily between indoor and outdoor environments. Three of their furniture lines—Dado, Nuez and Liceo—work especially well in both indoor and outdoor setting.

The Role of Ceramic Tiles in the Rebirth of Tinnerbäcksbadet Leisure Center

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Tinnerbäcksbadet, a leisure center established in 1965 on the shores of a lake in Linköping, Sweden, was showing signs of aging. To revitalize the area and meet the ever-changing demands, the city launched an international architectural competition for a new facility. The winning design, conceived by the Danish firm 3XN, blends modernity and functionality. This integration into the surrounding urban landscape, with the new structure serving as a focal point in a newly reimagined neighborhood square, was crucial to the project's success.

However, it is in the material details and subtle undulations of its layout that the genius of the design is revealed, guiding visitors and users to the indoor spaces and verdant extensions surrounding the bathing lake. The project exudes warmth and sophistication with its palette of natural, earthy colors, through the extensive use of exposed wood, concrete, and ceramic tiles. Manufactured by Agrob Buchtal from natural raw materials, these tiles contribute to the space's elegance while promising longevity, a hallmark of truly sustainable architecture. Covering 18,000 m², the ceramic surfaces play a fundamental role in promoting visual comfort and unifying the entire structure.

Exploring the Smart Use of Brick: Thai Residence Case Study

Brick is one of the oldest and most versatile materials in construction, going beyond the simple masonry wall. Its origins date back to 7500 B.C., with kiln-fired specimens appearing around 3000 B.C., representing a technological breakthrough for the construction of sturdier buildings. Spreading across Europe and Asia around 1200 BC, they replaced materials such as wood and stone in scarce regions. Roman bricks, notable for their long shape, were widely used in the construction of their cities and are still used today. The history of bricks is intertwined with that of civilization, being an easy-to-produce, resistant and versatile material, allowing for a multitude of applications and achieving impressive and unusual results.

Designed by Coletivo de Arquitetos, the Thai Residence exemplifies the multiple possibilities that brick offers in contemporary architecture. Located in a coastal area in the state of Sergipe, Brazil, this residence not only exemplifies the aesthetics of the material, but also its functionality and adaptability to local conditions. One of the most striking features of the project is its layout in two distinct blocks. The main pavilion houses most of the house's program, while a second connected block houses the gourmet area, services and garage. This configuration provides an intelligent distribution of spaces and harmonious integration with the surroundings.