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  2. Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro: The Latest Architecture and News

Guinle Park Apartment – Caledônia Building / LINHA Arquitetura

Guinle Park Apartment – Caledônia Building / LINHA Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Apartment Interiors, Kitchen, Countertop, Table, ChairGuinle Park Apartment – Caledônia Building / LINHA Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Apartment Interiors, TableGuinle Park Apartment – Caledônia Building / LINHA Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Apartment InteriorsGuinle Park Apartment – Caledônia Building / LINHA Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Apartment Interiors, TableGuinle Park Apartment – Caledônia Building / LINHA Arquitetura - More Images+ 16

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Architects: LINHA Arquitetura
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  250
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Legado Rio

Orla Apartment / Studio Arthur Casas

Orla Apartment / Studio Arthur Casas - Interior Photography, Apartments, TableOrla Apartment / Studio Arthur Casas - Interior Photography, Apartments, Beam, Table, ChairOrla Apartment / Studio Arthur Casas - Interior Photography, Apartments, TableOrla Apartment / Studio Arthur Casas - ApartmentsOrla Apartment / Studio Arthur Casas - More Images+ 22

Ipanema, Brazil
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  405
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2023
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  +55design, Atlas Plan , CORE Hakwood, Chinellato, Etel, +7

Realengo Park Susana Naspolini / Ecomimesis Soluções Ecológicas

Realengo Park Susana Naspolini / Ecomimesis Soluções Ecológicas - Exterior Photography, Park, FenceRealengo Park Susana Naspolini / Ecomimesis Soluções Ecológicas - Exterior Photography, Park, FacadeRealengo Park Susana Naspolini / Ecomimesis Soluções Ecológicas - Exterior Photography, ParkRealengo Park Susana Naspolini / Ecomimesis Soluções Ecológicas - ParkRealengo Park Susana Naspolini / Ecomimesis Soluções Ecológicas - More Images+ 27

Realengo, Brazil
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  80000
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2024
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  mmcite

Transforming Public Spaces Through Art: An Interview with Antonio Ton

Transforming Public Spaces Through Art: An Interview with Antonio Ton - Image 1 of 4Transforming Public Spaces Through Art: An Interview with Antonio Ton - Image 2 of 4Transforming Public Spaces Through Art: An Interview with Antonio Ton - Image 3 of 4Transforming Public Spaces Through Art: An Interview with Antonio Ton - Image 4 of 4Transforming Public Spaces Through Art: An Interview with Antonio Ton - More Images+ 11

How do we give new meaning to degraded public spaces? Vibrant colors, geometric patterns, and community collaboration. That could describe the approach of Rio de Janeiro artist Antonio Ton. Drawing inspiration from interactions he finds on the streets and engaging in dialogue with local communities, his works extend beyond revitalizing sports courts and skate parks. Ton demonstrates how art fosters the creation of a space for gathering and leisure. We spoke with him to delve into his artistic process and explore the outcomes his paintings offer.

How Television Narratives Shape Urban Imaginaries

Cities are not just inert landscapes or lifeless settings; they play active and significant roles in shaping numerous television narratives. Whether in series or soap operas, urban environments play a fundamental role not only as the backdrop where plots unfold but also in shaping the developments of storylines, their creations, guidelines, and contexts. While, on the one hand, cities and their urban cultures contribute to the composition of various small screen plots, on the other hand, television programs can also help shape a certain idealized imagination about these urban spaces, generating unrealistic expectations and perpetuating a series of stereotypes about the represented cities.

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Terra House / Cité Arquitetura

Terra House /  Cité Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Houses, Door, FacadeTerra House /  Cité Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Houses, LightingTerra House /  Cité Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Houses, FacadeTerra House /  Cité Arquitetura - Interior Photography, HousesTerra House /  Cité Arquitetura - More Images+ 24

Río de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Architects: Cité Arquitetura
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  433
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2021

Brisa Apartments / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura

Brisa Apartments / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeBrisa Apartments / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeBrisa Apartments / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura - Exterior Photography, Apartments, FacadeBrisa Apartments / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura - Exterior Photography, Apartments, Facade, ArchBrisa Apartments / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura - More Images+ 22

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

House Opy Ará 100 / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura + Miguel Pinto Guimarães Arquitetos Associados

House Opy Ará 100 / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura + Miguel Pinto Guimarães Arquitetos Associados - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Facade, Table, ChairHouse Opy Ará 100 / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura + Miguel Pinto Guimarães Arquitetos Associados - Interior Photography, Houses, TableHouse Opy Ará 100 / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura + Miguel Pinto Guimarães Arquitetos Associados - Interior Photography, Houses, Table, ChairHouse Opy Ará 100 / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura + Miguel Pinto Guimarães Arquitetos Associados - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, FacadeHouse Opy Ará 100 / Sergio Conde Caldas Arquitetura + Miguel Pinto Guimarães Arquitetos Associados - More Images+ 27

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Latin American Favelas: Improvement Projects and Community Involvement

A few weeks ago, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) named the recipient of the RIBA Norman Foster 2023 travel grant. Martha Pomasonco from Peru was awarded for her outstanding project titled "Barrios Mejorados."

The research project that impressed the jury aims to explore the impact of highly successful informal settlement improvement initiatives implemented in various Latin American countries. Its primary objective is to uncover valuable design insights related to social and environmental sustainability. The research is founded on the recognition that Latin America is the most urbanized region globally, with approximately 80% of its population residing in cities. Nevertheless, nearly 15% of this urban population resides in informal settlements marked by inadequate infrastructure and a diminished quality of life. Various improvement programs have been implemented, and the active involvement of citizens has been a crucial factor in enhancing their effectiveness.

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Lake Refuge / Leila Dionizios

Lake Refuge / Leila Dionizios - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Door, Facade, ForestLake Refuge / Leila Dionizios - Exterior Photography, Houses, GardenLake Refuge / Leila Dionizios - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Door, Table, ChairLake Refuge / Leila Dionizios - Interior Photography, Houses, Bedroom, Beam, TableLake Refuge / Leila Dionizios - More Images+ 18

  • Architects: Leila Dionizios
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  80
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2023
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Altero, Arquivo Contemporâneo, Atelier Hugo França , Azu Wood Tiles, Beleza Pura Lagos, +12

Senses House / UP3 Arquitetura

Senses House / UP3 Arquitetura - Exterior Photography, Houses, Garden, Facade, Fence, Forest
© Denilson Machado – MCA Estúdio

Senses House / UP3 Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Houses, FacadeSenses House / UP3 Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Houses, TableSenses House / UP3 Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Houses, Table, ChairSenses House / UP3 Arquitetura - Interior Photography, Houses, DoorSenses House / UP3 Arquitetura - More Images+ 12

  • Architects: UP3 Arquitetura
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  105
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2023
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Cosentino, Ana Quintella, Brentwood, Casa Ocre, Casa das Flores, +22

What Is Eclectic Architecture?

Architectural styles have fallen out of favor throughout history. Generally, the peak of one movement means the decline of another. Over time, the situation may reverse, as in the case of postmodernism, which has divided opinions since its emergence, but experienced a revival in the first decades of the 2000s (or maybe not). Temporal distance contributes to the revision of certain styles' relevance and evaluation of their qualities - or problems.

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The History of the Copacabana Sidewalk: From Its Origin in Portugal to Burle Marx's Intervention

The Copacabana calçada (Copacabana sidewalk) is one of the greatest symbols in the stunning landscape of Rio de Janeiro. What not everyone knows is that its history (and design) precedes the intervention of Roberto Burle Marx in the 1970s. The origin of the design, as well as its stones, is Portuguese.

The History of the Copacabana Sidewalk: From Its Origin in Portugal to Burle Marx's Intervention - Image 1 of 4The History of the Copacabana Sidewalk: From Its Origin in Portugal to Burle Marx's Intervention - Image 2 of 4The History of the Copacabana Sidewalk: From Its Origin in Portugal to Burle Marx's Intervention - Image 3 of 4The History of the Copacabana Sidewalk: From Its Origin in Portugal to Burle Marx's Intervention - Image 4 of 4The History of the Copacabana Sidewalk: From Its Origin in Portugal to Burle Marx's Intervention - More Images+ 1