A Multicolored Glass Canopy for Senses, Shelter and Hospitality: The Vertical Panorama Pavilion

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Although the sensory approach in the built environment is often based primarily on visual aspects, such as color and light, as we delve deeper into the relationship of architecture with the senses other essential elements emerge, such as aromas, textures, sounds, and even flavors. These components are fundamental to creating a profound experience between the user and the environment in which it takes place, demonstrating that design and sensory experience are intrinsically connected.

From Lowering Embodied Carbon to Super-Slim Solutions: What Is the Future of Insulation?

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Insulation plays an essential role in today’s buildings—whether it is to provide thermal efficiency to reduce energy demand and cut carbon emissions, or to reduce noise transmission to provide acoustic comfort. Every building has different requirements for the type of insulation needed in floors, roofs, ceilings and walls, and to meet these varying demands Kingspan has developed a range of holistic insulation solutions fit for the future of the built environment.

The Interplay of Water and Light Through a Sculptural Experience Shower

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In the hustle and bustle of modern life, with deadlines, goals, and performance, finding moments of tranquility is essential for maintaining overall well-being and peace of mind. These moments provide a necessary break from daily stresses, allowing the mind and body to reset and thoughts to reorganize. Rituals of relaxation can create a sanctuary of calm amidst the chaos, promoting a sense of balance and peace, providing a healthier and more harmonious lifestyle, and contributing to better physical and emotional health. However, these rituals need not be expensive or complex.

Blending Nostalgia and Modernity: The Rise of Synthetic Profiles in Furniture Design

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Furniture made from natural materials is widely valued for its beauty and texture, especially when it comes to wood, bamboo, reed, and rattan. However, they often face challenges such as weather damage, pest infestations, and high maintenance requirements like regular cleaning and treatments to prevent fading and structural weakening. Additionally, their lack of uniformity and strength can compromise consistent quality, while harvesting the raw materials can have negative environmental impacts. These issues, combined with inconsistent availability and higher costs, have driven innovations in synthetic materials that aim to replicate the aesthetics of natural products, often using recycled materials to promote sustainability.

A Flexible Collection of Indoor-Outdoor Furniture: Modular Design by Unopiù and Matteo Nunziati

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The act of play creates a welcome escape from the demands of daily life, encouraging joy, creativity and collaboration, with tangible benefits from stress relief to improved cognitive function. So when it comes to the interiors of spaces for play—for leisure and socializing for example—how can design enhance these effects? Specifying adaptable modular furniture that can blend the boundaries between indoor and out is one method to improving the freedom and spontaneity of space, bringing agency to moments of joy, possibilities for fresh configurations and equipping interiors for shifting future dynamics.

The Rise of Standing Desks for Active Workplaces

Vibrant colors, ping-pong tables, video games, free food and extravagant decorations. Photographs of the Silicon Valley offices of the early 2000s became the model for ideal, disruptive work environments, meticulously designed to attract and retain new talent in a highly competitive job market. Most importantly, they were the extreme opposite of the famous cubicles of previous decades. Over time, these same companies have invested in creating healthier and more dynamic working environments, giving special consideration to providing contact with nature and better ergonomics for employees. Among the innovations of the past years, the so-called “standing desks” have been gaining popularity, as they offer flexibility and promote a culture of health and well-being. Having the flexibility to work either standing up or sitting down encourages more movement throughout the day and has been proven to improve health and stretching, burn more calories and even increase concentration.

Multifunctional Furniture for Indoor-Outdoor Living

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In contemporary architecture, the boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces has increasingly been dissolved. This dissolution establishes a smooth transition between spaces, promoting a sense of harmony and connectivity with the surrounding environment. This trend reflects a fundamental change in contemporary lifestyles, where seamless integration between humans and their environment is increasingly valued and sought after. One of the ways this can be achieved is through fluid spatial arrangements or distinctive architectural elements, such as large windows, open plans and integrated outdoor areas. 

Renovating the Historical San Lorenzo Mercato Centrale in Florence While Preserving the City’s Cultural Identity

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The historical local markets of San Lorenzo and Sant'Ambrogio in the centre of Florence, Italy, have been a meeting point for local people for decades; a privileged location from which a sense of community, belonging and sharing has grown. The structure-symbol for local residents and a major tourist attraction, they recently underwent a series of renovation works to update their image and strengthen relations with customers and retailers, with a view to preserving their identity and authenticity. 

A Bathtub and Sink in a Single Sculptural Element: Antonio Citterio's Vision for a Nature Retreat

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Italian architect and designer Antonio Citterio is renowned for creating spaces that transport individuals to a mood as much as a physical place. He’s a designer of sets and a storyteller as well as a creator of objects. As he says: “I always imagine the product in a movie set, an ambiance where people interact with the product and the space.” His latest collaboration with AXOR—a collection of distinctive bathroom fixture designs—is a paradigm of his craft, expanding the idea of the objects into idealized "light box" domestic spaces, in which they feature. One of these spaces is his "Nature Bound Vacation Home" concept.

The Role of Ceramic Tiles in the Rebirth of Tinnerbäcksbadet Leisure Center

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Tinnerbäcksbadet, a leisure center established in 1965 on the shores of a lake in Linköping, Sweden, was showing signs of aging. To revitalize the area and meet the ever-changing demands, the city launched an international architectural competition for a new facility. The winning design, conceived by the Danish firm 3XN, blends modernity and functionality. This integration into the surrounding urban landscape, with the new structure serving as a focal point in a newly reimagined neighborhood square, was crucial to the project's success.