In times of quarantine, architects and designers are settling into a new remote working environment. In this process of implementing platforms and workflows to work from home, the risk of social isolation remains real, even for companies used to this environment, such as ArchDaily. As David Basulto, CEO of ArchDaily, wrote last week, the quarantine implies not just working online, but "staying connected and support each other."
In the spirit of staying connected with our global audience, ArchDaily has launched a series of live stream interviews on Instagram accounts in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Launched last week with Natura Futura's Jose Fernando Gomez, editors of ArchDaily and renowned architects from all over the world exchange ideas about architecture, design, and cities, while revealing details about the process of some of their most relevant projects.
On Wednesday, April 1, ArchDaily Managing Editor Maria Erman will talk with Porto-based firm Fala Atelier, while ArchDaily Editor Christele Harrouk will talk with Snøhetta on ArchDaily's Instagram account.

For Latin America and Spain, Editorial Data & Content Manager Nicolas Valencia will be joined by Madrid-based architect Juan Herreros on Wednesday, April 1, while ArchDaily in Spanish Managing Editor Fabian Dejtiar will talk with Argentina-based firm BAAG and Adamo Faiden next on Thursday, April 2 and Monday, April 6, respectively.

Meanwhile, ArchDaily Brasil Managing Editor Romullo Baratto will hold a streaming session with Brazilian architect Marcio Kogan for our Portuguese-speaking global audience.
Stay tuned for the upcoming confirmed interviews and follow our Instagram accounts in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. Also, remember to activate the ArchDaily Instagram account's notifications to be the first to know when broadcasting starts.
We invite you to check out ArchDaily's coverage related to COVID-19, read our tips and articles on Productivity When Working from Home and learn about technical recommendations for Healthy Design in your future projects. Also, remember to review the latest advice and information on COVID-19 from the World Health Organization (WHO) website.