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Oakland: The Latest Architecture and News

Coliseum Place Affordable Housing / David Baker Architects

Coliseum Place Affordable Housing  / David Baker Architects - Exterior Photography, Residential Architecture, FacadeColiseum Place Affordable Housing  / David Baker Architects - Interior Photography, Residential Architecture, Facade, BeamColiseum Place Affordable Housing  / David Baker Architects - Interior Photography, Residential ArchitectureColiseum Place Affordable Housing  / David Baker Architects - Exterior Photography, Residential Architecture, FacadeColiseum Place Affordable Housing  / David Baker Architects - More Images+ 16

1901 Poplar Innovation Hub / Medium Plenty

1901 Poplar Innovation Hub / Medium Plenty - Interior Photography, Cowork Interiors, Facade1901 Poplar Innovation Hub / Medium Plenty - Interior Photography, Cowork Interiors, Facade, Beam, Table, Chair1901 Poplar Innovation Hub / Medium Plenty - Interior Photography, Cowork Interiors, Beam1901 Poplar Innovation Hub / Medium Plenty - Interior Photography, Cowork Interiors, Table1901 Poplar Innovation Hub / Medium Plenty - More Images+ 15

  • Architects: Medium Plenty
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  15000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2019
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  AutoDesk, Caesarstone, Cle Tile, Douglas Fir

MacArthur Annex / Baran Studio Architecture

MacArthur Annex / Baran Studio Architecture - Shopping Centers, FacadeMacArthur Annex / Baran Studio Architecture - Shopping Centers, Facade, Column, Table, ChairMacArthur Annex / Baran Studio Architecture - Shopping Centers, FacadeMacArthur Annex / Baran Studio Architecture - Shopping Centers, Garden, Facade, Handrail, Balcony, Stairs, ChairMacArthur Annex / Baran Studio Architecture - More Images+ 23

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  4550 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2017
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Western Window Systems, Basalite Concrete Products, SF shipping containers

A House with a View / Axelrod architects

A House with a View / Axelrod architects - Renovation, Door, FacadeA House with a View / Axelrod architects - Renovation, Kitchen, Beam, Facade, Table, Lighting, ChairA House with a View / Axelrod architects - Renovation, Door, Facade, ColumnA House with a View / Axelrod architects - Renovation, Door, Facade, Handrail, Stairs, ChairA House with a View / Axelrod architects - More Images+ 14

  • Architects: Axelrod Architects: Axelrod architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2150 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Arclinea, Boffi, Flos, Porro

Skyline House / Terry & Terry Architecture

Skyline House  / Terry & Terry Architecture - Houses, Deck, Beam, Table, Chair, CountertopSkyline House  / Terry & Terry Architecture - Houses, Patio, Door, Facade, Beam, ChairSkyline House  / Terry & Terry Architecture - Houses, Kitchen, Beam, Door, Balcony, Facade, Table, Chair, CountertopSkyline House  / Terry & Terry Architecture - Houses, Deck, Beam, Facade, ChairSkyline House  / Terry & Terry Architecture - More Images+ 10

  • Architects: Terry & Terry Architecture: Terry & Terry Architecture
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2700 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Grohe, Acor, Contrast Lighting, Fleetwood, Hafele, +4

Kapor Center for Social Impact / Fougeron Architecture

Kapor Center for Social Impact  / Fougeron Architecture - Adaptive Reuse, Stairs, Handrail, Arch, FacadeKapor Center for Social Impact  / Fougeron Architecture - Adaptive Reuse, Facade, ColumnKapor Center for Social Impact  / Fougeron Architecture - Adaptive Reuse, FacadeKapor Center for Social Impact  / Fougeron Architecture - Adaptive Reuse, Facade, ChairKapor Center for Social Impact  / Fougeron Architecture - More Images+ 20

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  45000 ft²
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  FilzFelt, GlasPro, Heyco, Royalite, TGP
  • Professionals: Hood Studio

VSCO / debartolo architects

VSCO  / debartolo architects - Offices Interiors, Door, Beam, Facade, Table, Chair, BenchVSCO  / debartolo architects - Offices Interiors, Beam, Table, ChairVSCO  / debartolo architects - Offices Interiors, Patio, Beam, Door, Table, ChairVSCO  / debartolo architects - Offices Interiors, Kitchen, Beam, Chair, TableVSCO  / debartolo architects - More Images+ 23

  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  2900
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2016

Navis Offices / RMW Architecture and Interiors

Navis Offices / RMW Architecture and Interiors - Offices Interiors, Stairs, Beam, Table, LightingNavis Offices / RMW Architecture and Interiors - Offices Interiors, Door, FacadeNavis Offices / RMW Architecture and Interiors - Offices InteriorsNavis Offices / RMW Architecture and Interiors - Offices Interiors, Table, ChairNavis Offices / RMW Architecture and Interiors - More Images+ 8

Merritt Crossing / LMS Architects

Merritt Crossing / LMS Architects - Apartments, Facade, CityscapeMerritt Crossing / LMS Architects - Apartments, Door, Stairs, Handrail, Facade, ChairMerritt Crossing / LMS Architects - Apartments, FacadeMerritt Crossing / LMS Architects - Apartments, Table, ChairMerritt Crossing / LMS Architects - More Images+ 8

Temple Sinai / Mark Horton / Architecture + Michael Harris Architecture

Temple Sinai / Mark Horton / Architecture + Michael Harris Architecture - Synagogue, FacadeTemple Sinai / Mark Horton / Architecture + Michael Harris Architecture - Synagogue, Facade, DoorTemple Sinai / Mark Horton / Architecture + Michael Harris Architecture - Synagogue, FacadeTemple Sinai / Mark Horton / Architecture + Michael Harris Architecture - Synagogue, Courtyard, FacadeTemple Sinai / Mark Horton / Architecture + Michael Harris Architecture - More Images+ 14

Tassafaronga Village / David Baker + Partners

Tassafaronga Village / David Baker + Partners - Housing, FacadeTassafaronga Village / David Baker + Partners - Housing, Garden, FacadeTassafaronga Village / David Baker + Partners - Housing, Garden, FacadeTassafaronga Village / David Baker + Partners - Housing, Stairs, FacadeTassafaronga Village / David Baker + Partners - More Images+ 15

  • Architects: David Baker + Partners
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2010

Margarido House / Onion Flats

Margarido House / Onion Flats - Houses, Kitchen, Countertop, Table, Chair, SinkMargarido House / Onion Flats - Houses, Bedroom, Door, Table, ChairMargarido House / Onion Flats - Houses, Bathroom, Door, Facade, Sink, ShowerMargarido House / Onion Flats - Houses, Bedroom, Door, Facade, TableMargarido House / Onion Flats - More Images+ 11

  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  AlumaTherm

Oakland House / Kanner Architects

Oakland House / Kanner Architects - Houses, Door, FacadeOakland House / Kanner Architects - Houses, Door, Facade, Balcony, ChairOakland House / Kanner Architects - Houses, Bedroom, Door, TableOakland House / Kanner Architects - Houses, FacadeOakland House / Kanner Architects - More Images+ 25

  • Architects: Kanner Architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  394
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2007

The Cathedral of Christ the Light / SOM

The Cathedral of Christ the Light / SOM - Interior Photography, Cathedral, Facade, LightingThe Cathedral of Christ the Light / SOM - Exterior Photography, Cathedral, FacadeThe Cathedral of Christ the Light / SOM - CathedralThe Cathedral of Christ the Light / SOM - Exterior Photography, Cathedral, FacadeThe Cathedral of Christ the Light / SOM - More Images+ 30