Ordinary Architecture curated by Meganom & untitled architecture during Library for Architecture's |LFA| "12 months" program.
10th month of the "12 Months” project will be curated by Meganom architectural studio and untitled architecture at Library for Architecture in Yerevan. “Ordinary Architecture” is a curated program exploring the essence and quality of everyday spaces where people live and interact daily. The main idea is to speak about the utopian city of Yerevan and make noticeable the layer of Ordinary architecture. • At LFA we are focusing on the research of texts supporting the theory and its link to professional practices. In Italian tradition theory is explicitly implemented into the practice of architects and designers. • Meganom bureau and untitled architecture invited Italian studios to LFA, who will present in both formats: offline and online. 1. @fosburyarchitecture, 2. @cinozucchiArchitetti, 3. @jacopolaveratto, 4. @formafantasma, 5. @alessandr.o.rocca. • Many thanks to our sponsors and partners! General sponsors: Green construction & Glasswork Partner: Casa Ricca Supporter: d’Arvestanots Special thanks to: Ibis Hotel Yerevan