We just received the lastest edition of MARK Magazine, one of our favorite publications. There are some absolutely arresting projects and articles in this issue. A personal favorite is a piece on Jean-Francois Rauzier’s art work. Rauzier builds unique worlds out of thousands of photographs. (If you are not familiar with his work visit website, no seriously go.) On a more practical note this issue has a piece on the advantages of smart phones and why and how they can help architects increase their workflow or procrastinate in style. If you want to know what Bjarke Ingels’ reads there is an article on that too, pretty interesting. Among his favorites is Kim Stanley Robinson’s Red Mars and he is currently reading Matt Ridley’s The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves; I love knowing what architects are reading for some reason, what are you, our readers, reading? As always MARK’s project selection is great; some we have and others we don’t. Those we do have are shown in greater depth or from a different angle.
If you want to check out 14 projects featured in this issue you can view our articles on them, click here.
Get a peak inside the issue after the break.
012 Notice Board 024 Erick van Egeraat / Assen 026 Behles & Jochimsen

I found this title fairly amusing. It seems absurd that architects should be frightened of color as if it is a genuine threat force in the world. Color might work in some situations and not others, but it seems silly that using color is considered a courageous act. The title reflects the absurdity of architectural discussion surrounding color. Perhaps it is time to have a more honest conversation about the subject matter. 028 Tato / Osaka 030 Giancarlo Mazzanti

032 Lussi+Halter / Kastanienbaum

034 Tomohiro Hata / Nagoya 036 24H Architecture / Nijmegen 038 Grasso and Le Quernec / Sarreguemines 040 Frank Gehry / New York 042 Nord / Copenhagen

046 Kimihiko Okada / Hiroshima 048 Rudy Ricciotti / Menton

050 Lukas Lenherr / Rapperswill-Jona 052 Juan Agustin Soza / Santiago 054 dmvA / Flemish Brabant (We don’t have this specific project, but we have others by dmvA) 056 Bedaux de Brouwer / Tilburg

058 Kadawittfeld / Herzogenaurach 060 123DV / Hattem 062 Takeshi Hosaka / Yamanashi (We don’t have this specific project, but we have others by Takeshi Hosaka) 064 Vaum Arquitectos / San Sebastian 066 Zanderroth / Berlin 068 Architectural Gymnastics 070 Herzog & de Meuron / Basel 074 TYIN / Trondheim

092 Reiulf Ramstad / Oslo

108 OMA / Ithaca 122 Allied Works Architecture / Denver 130 Mobile Phone Applications 138 Takeshi Hosaka / Yokohama

148 Ordos 156 Sou Fujimoto / Tokyo 168 Jean-Francois Rauzier / Paris 182 Suppose Design Office / Hiroshima (We don’t have this specific project, but we have others by Suppose Design Office) 194 Bjarke Ingels / Copenhagen 200 Ball Nogues Studio / Los Angeles 206 Akihisa Hirata / Tokyo 210 Frank Marcus / Breda 224 Exit

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