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Skyscrapers: The Latest Architecture and News

AD Classics: John Hancock Center / SOM

AD Classics: John Hancock Center / SOM - Office Buildings, Facade, CityscapeAD Classics: John Hancock Center / SOM - Office Buildings, Facade, Stairs, Handrail, CityscapeAD Classics: John Hancock Center / SOM - Office Buildings, Stairs, ChairAD Classics: John Hancock Center / SOM - Office Buildings, Chair, TableAD Classics: John Hancock Center / SOM - More Images+ 11

One World Trade Center gets to 260 feet

One World Trade Center gets to 260 feet - Featured Image

One World Trade Center has reached a construction milestone by rising 260 ft above street level. Upon its completion in 2013, it will become the tallest office building in the United States reaching 104 stories.

Horizontal Skyscraper / Steven Holl

Horizontal Skyscraper / Steven Holl - Image 10 of 4
© Iwan Baan

Our friend and architecture photographer, Iwan Baan , just published on his website some of his recently shot images of Steven Holl’s Horizontal Skyscraper in Shenzhen, China . The project is a long mixed-use complex which includes office spaces, apartments, a hotel and even a public landscape. Baan’s photos illustrate Holl’s idea that the “building appears as if it were once floating on a higher sea that has now subsided; leaving the structure propped up high on eight legs.”

Complete photoset at Iwan’s website, more images and more about the project after the break.

The Shard: London's Tallest Tower / Renzo Piano

We just featured an article about London’s construction frenzy, which includes over half a dozen skyscrapers for the city. This new era will completely alter the city’s skyline as tall buildings will be sprouting everywhere to house new office, commercial, and residential activities. Of these new structures, Renzo Piano’s 310 meter high mix-used tower, The Shard (be sure to check out our coverage of the tower), will not only become London’s tallest tower, but also the tallest building in all of Western Europe. Of all of London’s new developments, we are excited to see this dynamic tower’s impact on the city and its relationship with London’s context and future neighboring skyscrapers.

We have new images to share from Renzo Piano Building Workshop and more video clips of the construction progress after the break.

The Towers of London

The Towers of London - Image 1 of 4
Renzo Piano's Shard

London’s skyline is about to get a complete makeover. While in the past, almost every tower proposed was stalled due to financial shortcomings, or workers just leaving the job site, now, London is dusting off their old building plans and getting ready to move into a construction frenzy. Thanks to Kieran Long’s article at the Evening Standard we get to know more details about this process:

Sail @ Marina Bay / NBBJ

Sail @ Marina Bay / NBBJ - Office Buildings, Facade, BenchSail @ Marina Bay / NBBJ - Office Buildings, FacadeSail @ Marina Bay / NBBJ - Office Buildings, Facade, CityscapeSail @ Marina Bay / NBBJ - Office Buildings, Bedroom, Door, Facade, Table, ChairSail @ Marina Bay / NBBJ - More Images+ 23

AD Classics: AD Classics: Willis Tower (Sears Tower) / SOM

AD Classics: AD Classics: Willis Tower (Sears Tower) / SOM - SkyscrapersAD Classics: AD Classics: Willis Tower (Sears Tower) / SOM - SkyscrapersAD Classics: AD Classics: Willis Tower (Sears Tower) / SOM - SkyscrapersAD Classics: AD Classics: Willis Tower (Sears Tower) / SOM - SkyscrapersAD Classics: AD Classics: Willis Tower (Sears Tower) / SOM - More Images+ 15

  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  1973
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Kuraray, Campolonghi

Midtown Skyscrapper / Christian de Portzamparc

Midtown Skyscrapper / Christian de Portzamparc - Featured Image

Being awarded the Pritzker means you’ve hit it big. Having that ribbon placed around your neck proves you’re top dog in the architecture world and you’ve practically become a household name….doesn’t it? While that may seem that case for Gehry and Hadid, even Piano and Meier, the Pritzker’s seventeenth honoree, (France’s first laureate, in fact) Christian de Portzamparc sometimes feels forgotten.

AD Classics: AD Classics: Lever House / SOM

AD Classics: AD Classics: Lever House / SOM - Office Buildings, Facade, CityscapeAD Classics: AD Classics: Lever House / SOM - Office Buildings, Facade, CityscapeAD Classics: AD Classics: Lever House / SOM - Office Buildings, Facade, CityscapeAD Classics: AD Classics: Lever House / SOM - Office Buildings, Door, FacadeAD Classics: AD Classics: Lever House / SOM - More Images+ 10

In Progress: Mosfilmovskaya / Sergey Skuratov Architects

In Progress: Mosfilmovskaya / Sergey Skuratov Architects - Office Buildings, Facade, CityscapeIn Progress: Mosfilmovskaya / Sergey Skuratov Architects - Office Buildings, FacadeIn Progress: Mosfilmovskaya / Sergey Skuratov Architects - Office Buildings, Facade, CityscapeIn Progress: Mosfilmovskaya / Sergey Skuratov Architects - Office Buildings, FacadeIn Progress: Mosfilmovskaya / Sergey Skuratov Architects - More Images+ 17

Edgar Street Towers / Iwamoto Scott

Edgar Street Towers / Iwamoto Scott - Image 30 of 4
© IwamotoScott

San Francisco based IwamotoScott sent us their latest tower development produced for the Greenwich South design study led by Architecture Research Office, Beyer Blinder Belle and Architects & Planners and OPEN. Contributing architects, artists and designers included Coen + Partners, DeWitt Godfrey, IwamotoScott Architecture, Jorge Colmbo, Lewis.Tsuramaki.Lewis Architects, Morphosis, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Transolar Climate Engineering and WORKac.

AD Classics: 860-880 Lake Shore Drive / Mies van der Rohe

AD Classics: 860-880 Lake Shore Drive / Mies van der Rohe - Residential, Facade, ArchAD Classics: 860-880 Lake Shore Drive / Mies van der Rohe - Residential, FacadeAD Classics: 860-880 Lake Shore Drive / Mies van der Rohe - Residential, Garden, Facade, ColumnAD Classics: 860-880 Lake Shore Drive / Mies van der Rohe - Residential, FacadeAD Classics: 860-880 Lake Shore Drive / Mies van der Rohe - More Images+ 5

AD Classics: Seagram Building / Mies van der Rohe

Text description provided by the architects. Located in the heart of New York City, the Seagram Building designed by Mies van der Rohe epitomizes elegance and the principles of modernism. The 38-story building on Park Avenue was Mies' first attempt at tall office building construction.

AD Classics: Seagram Building / Mies van der Rohe - SkyscrapersAD Classics: Seagram Building / Mies van der Rohe - SkyscrapersAD Classics: Seagram Building / Mies van der Rohe - SkyscrapersAD Classics: Seagram Building / Mies van der Rohe - Skyscrapers, Fence, CityscapeAD Classics: Seagram Building / Mies van der Rohe - More Images+ 14

Burj Khalifa (formerly Burj Dubai) opens: the tallest building in the world

Burj Khalifa (formerly Burj Dubai) opens: the tallest building in the world - Featured Image

With its final height kept as a secret until the last minute, we witnessed the incredible opening of the tallest building in the world.

Burj Dubai: Almost ready and in detail [updated]

The tallest building in the world will be opened in just a few more days. This 2.3 gigapixel photo, composed of 381 images taken with a Canon 5D Mk II with a 400mm lens by bristolg, who posted a video to show the high level of detail of the image.

Digital Media City / SOM

Digital Media City / SOM - Image 5 of 4
© Giroud Pichot

SOM recently unveiled the design for the Digital Media City Landmark Tower in Seoul, Korea. The 2,100 foot (640m) tall tower will be the tallest tower in East Asia when completed in 2014.

The iconic building is located in the north of the Han River, which crosses the city, and will dominate the skyline becoming a important icon for Seoul… which is what you will expect if you commission a tower this tall.

Aqua Tower / Studio Gang

Aqua Tower / Studio Gang - Retail , CoastAqua Tower / Studio Gang - Retail , Facade, CityscapeAqua Tower / Studio Gang - Retail , Facade, CityscapeAqua Tower / Studio Gang - Retail , Stairs, Facade, Handrail, CityscapeAqua Tower / Studio Gang - More Images+ 7

  • Architects: Studio Gang
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2009
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Endicott, Trespa, EFCO, Formply, Interstate Brick, +6

Taipei 101 to become the world's tallest green building

Taipei 101 to become the world's tallest green building - Featured Image

Taipei 101, famous for being one of the world’s tallest buildings, is set to get some major eco-upgrades in an effort to save money, reduce its impact, and gain the much coveted title of “World’s Tallest Green Building.” In 2007, the Burj Dubai surpassed Taipei 101 in terms of height, but the Taiwanese building won’t give up the fight, throwing down $1.8 million in energy efficiency upgrades, which are expected to yield $20 million annually in savings and make it the Earth’s greenest and tallest building.

Over the next 18 months, the skyscraper will undergo significant energy efficiency upgrades and will also seek LEED Gold certification for existing buildings. The certification will largely depend on the building performance after the upgrades and renovations take place. The owners of Taipei 101 are teaming up with SL+A International Asia Inc., Siemens and EcoTech International Inc. to complete the eco-upgrades. Seen at Inhabitat. More images after the break.