‘Habitar al Margen’, Selected Project for the 2022 Ibero-American Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism

Five finalists of the open call were announced on the 9th of December to determine the project that would be in charge of the XII BIAU: Ibero-American Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021 - to be held in Mexico during September 2022 with the collaboration of the Architecture and City Festival, MEXTRÓPOLI.

On the 13th December, the winning project to curate the new edition was announced: 'Habitar al Margen' (Living on the Edge), presented by Anna Vergés and Guillem Augé (undo, Spain), and Raúl Cárdenas and Ana Martínez (ToroLab, Mexico).

The team in charge of reviewing the projects presented was led by Iñaqui Carnicero, the general director of Urban Agenda, and Architecture of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda. The rest of the members of the jury are Lluís Comerón Graupera, president of the Higher Council of Architects Associations; Naiara Monero, architect and patron of the ARQUIA Foundation on behalf of the Director of the Arquia Foundation; Paloma Baquero, architect chosen by Mitma; José María Sánchez García, architect chosen by the Higher Council of Architects Associations; Elena Tudela, architect appointed by the convening institutions; and Miquel Adriá, director of the Architecture and City Festival, MEXTRÓPOLI. This committee highlighted the solid manifesto of the project that leads to the development of actions in the public space based on a research work that is focused, clear and contextualised in the Ibero-American reality.

‘Habitar al Margen’

The 'Habitar al Margen' project proposes a biennial that makes visible the work of those who are providing solutions to the growing social, environmental and economic needs outside the system. To do this, they want to enable a reflection field around the use of individual and collective space, between the house and the street, which will allow for the opening of an optimistic and timely debate on the urban challenges facing the Ibero-American scene, in a shared manner with the 22 countries participating in the biennial.

As announced by the Ministry of Transport Mobility and Urban Agenda, this proposal fits perfectly within the general motto of Biennials of "Conciliation Strategies", which, in the case of the Spanish Biennial, was framed under the slogan "Empty Spain, Full Spain" with the aim of offering an overview and contributing to the approach and reflection on the conciliation capacities that architecture and urban planning can have with respect to the different territorial realities that exist in the country.

Via mitma.

About this author
Cite: Dejtiar, Fabian. "‘Habitar al Margen’, Selected Project for the 2022 Ibero-American Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism" [‘Habitar al Margen’, proyecto seleccionado para la XII BIAU: Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo 2022] 30 Dec 2021. ArchDaily. (Trans. Pérez Bravo, Amelia) Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/974296/habitar-al-margen-selected-project-for-the-2022-ibero-american-biennale-of-architecture-and-urbanism> ISSN 0719-8884

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