The human scale spans both physical dimensions and sensory perception. Designers create spaces and objects like steps, doorways and chairs that are closely aligned to human measurement and how we see the world. But as we look beyond the human scale, new ideas and typologies emerge that help us rethink how we conceptualize architecture and build for the future.
Entries to the 6th International LafargeHolcim Awards for sustainable construction will close on February 25, 2020. The competition seeks projects by professionals as well as bold ideas from the Next Generation that combine sustainable construction solutions with architectural excellence. The Awards accept projects and concepts from architecture, engineering, urban planning, materials science, construction technology, and other related fields.
“Hydropuncture”, Global LafargeHolcim Awards Gold winning project 2018 in Mexico City. Image Courtesy of LafargeHolcim Foundation
Seeking international projects that combine sustainable construction practices with architectural excellence, the LafargeHolcim Awards are open for entries to their 6th cycle through February 25, 2020. The Awards offers a total of $2 million USD in prize money to projects and concepts from architecture, engineering, urban planning, materials and construction technology, and related fields.
The independent juries will evaluate entries in the 6th International LafargeHolcim Awards for Sustainable Construction in five regions of the world. Each jury consists of nine experts in sustainable design and construction. The Awards seek real projects as well as bold ideas that combine sustainable construction solutions with architectural excellence. The competition offers a total of USD 2 million in prize money and is open for entries until February 25, 2020.
As we face a global climate crisis that must be addressed, sustainability has quickly become one of the most crucial aspects to consider in contemporary architecture. Designs that go beyond current standards, showcasing sustainable responses to technological, environmental, socioeconomic and cultural issues have arisen in recent years, garnering much-deserved praise for the innovative and environmentally-friendly solutions they propose.
The LafargeHolcim Awards stands out as the world's most significant competition for sustainable design. The criteria of the USD 2 million competition are as challenging as the goal of sustainability itself. The competition is for projects at an advanced stage of design, not finished works.