FCBStudios' redevelopment plans for St Mary le Port Bristol received planning approval, spearheading the transformation of the key site into a vibrant piece of the urban fabric. The scheme embraces the historical importance of St Mary le Port church tower and ruins, reinstates pre-WWII street patterns while reconnecting the area with the city centre. Featuring office and commercial spaces, the project is set to improve central Bristol's working and shopping experience.

The design developed by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios for client MEPC, together with Bristol City Council and the local community, proposes a mixed-use development in the heart of Bristol that revitalizes the area while reframing its historical heritage. The project proposes three new buildings that replace three vacant 1960s bank buildings featuring office spaces and commercial units for retailers,cafes, restaurants and bars. The design improves access to Castle Prak, reinstating the historic street patterns while proposing the repair of the church's ruins, enabling the public's free access to the historical heritage.

We have worked closely with our client, Bristol City Council, and the local community groups to develop a scheme that reinstates the historic streets, with a focus around the restored ruin of St Mary le Port Church, reconnecting the City to an enhanced Castle Park. The scheme embraces the future needs of a sustainable and healthy, post-Covid workspace, above a public face of small scale independent shops and cafes linking through to the historic St Nicholas Market and the wider heart of Bristol City Centre. - Keith Bradley, Senior Partner FCBStudios
The project aims for an 85% increase in biodiversity on site, proposing planting of new trees, improvements to Castle Park, as well as green terraces. Terraced planters would help activate the street levels, increasing the connection with the neighbouring park.