Zaha Hadid Architects have presented "NFTism", a virtual art gallery at Art Basel Miami that explores architecture and social interaction in the metaverse. The gallery features spatial designs created by ZHA that focus on user experience, social interaction, and "dramaturgical" compositions, combined with MMO (massively multiplayer online game) and interaction technological services.
The virtual architecture of the gallery is powered by field-tested parametric design technologies to bring new, user-enhancing experiences to a broad online audience, especially now that the metaverse supports new forms of creative cultural production such as digital art and virtual art museums. Incorporating their technologies within the virtual spaces designed by ZHA, JOURNEE has developed a Software as a Service (SaaS) built on proprietary, performance optimized MMO technology integrated with audio-video interaction capabilities.

The project focuses on cyberspaces that enable human-to-human communication via computer networks. MMO videogame technologies, along with high-speed networks and clouds have allowed cyberspaces to be immersive, interactive, and socially engaging 3-dimensional universes that can be accessible via multiple and diverse devices. Cyberspaces have become integral parts of spatial-web technologies underpinning the metaverse – an online environment "that couples spatial and interaction experiences of cyberspaces with supporting social, community forming and economic infrastructure".

The virtual gallery also features designs previously commissioned by Kenny Schachter, including the ‘Z-boat’, the ‘Z-Car One’, a sculptural bench-table ‘Belu’, and a stool ‘Orchis’. Art Basel Miami will run from December 2nd until December 4th, 2021.