The renowned Mexican architect Miguel Ángel Aragonés presented ten years of research materialized in his most recent project entitled "Casa PI" whose acronym translates to a new "intelligent prefabricated" construction project. Patented in Switzerland, this system seeks to break the housing paradigm from an integral design that combines the structure of the house with the furniture and new automation technologies in architecture.

The origin of this innovation stems from the idea of creating a modular constructive system that was sustainable, in high quality, that would accelerate construction times, improve acoustic and thermal performance, as well as reduce construction costs and waste. It is based on implementing the technology, we currently live every day with, in an integral design (since conventional homes have had to adapt to these advances through facilities that hinder the design). However, "Casa PI" seeks to start from scratch by serving as a pavilion that shows the advances of this specific moment in history by offering a "piece of furniture to live in" that consumes as little energy as possible.

PI is a structure that works both vertically (as a column), horizontally (as a lock or chain), or mixed, and to which additional pieces are attached to integrate the final configuration. This modular construction system optimizes resources and reduces waste. The walls, based on overlapping paneling, are the final finish that covers the layers of thermal and acoustic insulation. The electrical and hydraulic installations are designed by means of screw-in and plug-in connections that avoid the work of welding and complicated connections. It guarantees the highest constructive quality in record time, providing a range of direct benefits: it does not require painting, waterproofing, or anti-corrosion coatings. It allows the adaptation of a thermal-acoustic system that reduces energy consumption to achieve an optimal level of comfort, whether or not, a central air conditioning system is used.

Regarding the assembly, it opted for aluminum as the main material due to its properties of efficiency, lightness, durability, and recycling possibilities without losing its aesthetic and structural properties. Thanks to this, it was possible to erect a 180m2 module in just 50 days and with just 8 people without requiring heavy machinery. Because of this, the design team highlights the possibility of being able to transform the project into a home that goes from social interest to luxury through personalization. This is how they explain it:

Strong, lightweight, durable, corrosion resistant, recyclable, and with the ability to take almost any shape, aluminum can do what other building materials, such as brick and wood, cannot. Since its widespread appearance in the early 20th century, it has been the engine and fuel for modern architecture. The house, origin of the city and culture, requires a transformation, greater ease of execution, greater services, higher quality and lower price. PI supports large glass openings, maximizes energy efficiency and enables prefabricated homes to be built with a solid profit base.
For more information visit Taller Aragonés.