Earlier this year, BDOnline released the 2017 edition of the WA 100, their annual survey of the world's largest practices. Ranking the firms by the number of architects they employ, the full report also investigates these firms' financial records and industry trends. The top spots show only slight changes from last year's rankings, with Japan's Nikken Sekkei taking second place from AECOM being perhaps the most notable change. However, the big story behind this year's WA 100 is the rapid growth of #1 firm Gensler, with the firm increasing their lead from last year. The firm now employs almost 800 more architects than any other firm in the world.
"Gensler’s total domination of the rankings continues as it achieves the seemingly impossible task of growing still more after last year’s huge leap in size," says BDOnline, noting that the company's total of 2,570 employed architects represents an increase of almost 1,000 in under 2 years. Gensler's co-chief executive Diane Hoskins explains this growth as the result of expanding overseas while continuing to expand in the US. "It’s not an either/or," she explained to BDOnline.
Read on to see the top 20, or go see the full list of 100 top practices at BDOnline here (for subscribers only).
1. Gensler (USA)
Number of employed architects: 2570; Fees income: $1-1.5 billion
2. Nikken Sekkei (Japan)
Number of employed architects: 1796; Fees income: $500-599 million
Number of employed architects: 1491; Fees income: $320-329 million
4. Perkins+Will (USA)
Number of employed architects: 1140; Fees income: $350-359 million
5. HDR (USA)
Number of employed architects: 1072; Fees income: $310-319 million
6. IBI Group (Canada)
Number of employed architects: 851; Fees income: $220-229 million
7. Woods Bagot (Australia)
Number of employed architects: 840; Fees income: $150-159 million
8. HOK (USA)
Number of employed architects: 821; Fees income: $270-279 million
9. Aedas (China)
Number of employed architects: 788; Fees income: $230-239 million
10. DP Architects (Singapore)
Number of employed architects: 767; Fees income: $110-119 million
11. Sweco Sweden
Number of employed architects: 700
12. HKS (USA)
Number of employed architects: 685; Fees income: $230-239 million
13. White Arkitekter (Sweden)
Number of employed architects: 681; Fees income: $100-109 million
14. Foster + Partners (UK)
Number of employed architects: 671; Fees income: $230-239 million
15. Perkins Eastman (USA)
Number of employed architects: 658
16. Jacobs (USA)
Number of employed architects: 636; Fees income: £1-1.5 billion
17. Junglim Architecture (South Korea)
Number of employed architects: 596; Fees income: $80-89 million
=18. Kunwon (South Korea)
Number of employed architects: 530; Fees income: $80-89 million
=18. Stantec (Canada)
Number of employed architects: 530; Fees income: $340-349 million
20. SmithGroupJJR (USA)
Number of employed architects: 522; Fees income: $160-169 million