Text description provided by the architects. Located at the rear of brazilian actor Eduardo Okamoto’s home, the building houses the theater producer’s office of SIM!Cultura as well as the owner’s studio.

These premises provide ample working space for research as well as theatrical rehearsals and experimentation.

The working space is inside a masonry white box which also contains a guest room / dressing room on the ground floor and an office on the upper floor.
This white masonry box is located inside a warehouse which has hinged doors at the front and rear constructed of aluminum overlaid with alveolar polycarbonate sheet.

In addition to serving as closures and providing both illumination and ventilation as needed, these doors also can be opened and closed as part of a theatrical performance.

In the actor’s own words expressing his appreciation to the architect:
“... And, most importantly, beyond its beauty I feel the space will save me years in theatrical research. The architecture, condensed as it is to its essential core opens new scenic perspectives and truly stirs my emotions. Many times I look at these studio shapes and lose myself in meditation and the simplicity of the architectural lines calm me. Soon I hope to persuade the architect to design sceneries for my stage plays.”