Zaha Hadid, Coop Himmelb(l)au, and OMA are some of 15 major practices that have been shortlisted in the second (and final) stage of a competition to design the new Museum of Ethnography in Budapest. The building will be one of four new museums being built in Hungary's 200-year-old Városliget (City Park) as part of the Liget Budapest project, which includes SANAA's Ludwig Museum and Sou Fujimoto’s House of Hungarian Music.
"For the first time since the foundation of the Museum of Ethnography that is, for over 140 years now, it has become possible to permanently place the museum in a building worthy for the collection, to be built specifically for this function. In addition, the construction of the new building of the Museum of Ethnography will solve another more than half a century problem: by relocating the institution, the Kúria (former Ministry of Justice) building, recently housing the museum, can regain its original function," says Liget Budapest.
The 15 finalists include:
- Architecture-Studio
- Bánáti + Hartvig Építész Iroda Kft
- Bernard Tschumi Architects
- BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics + Balázs Mihály
- COOP HIMMELB(L)AU Wolf D. Prix & Partner ZT GmbH
- Dominique Perrault Architecte
- EAA Emre Arolat Architecture
- gmp International GmbH
- Középülettervező Zrt.
- Napur Architect Kft
- Office for Metropolitan Architecture (O.M.A.)
- Sauerbruch Hutton
- Zaha Hadid Limited
"By the construction of the new buildings and complete renewal of the green area of the City Park, and by the renovation and expansion of the institutions already present, Liget Budapest will be one of Budapest’s leading tourist and cultural destinations, and a family leisure park known all over Europe," added the competition's organizer.
Entires are due in April of 2016. A winner will be announced in May.
News via Liget Budapest