The Passive House is now 25 years old; to celebrate this, the International Passive House Conference is returning to Darmstadt – the city in Germany, in which this success story began. On 22 and 23 April 2016, over a hundred speakers from all over the world will report on the latest projects relating to highly energy efficient construction and retrofits. But the anniversary will also serve as an occasion for a review, with the presentation of results relating to the durability of the individual building components of the first Passive House. The complete Conference programme is now available online. In addition, registration at the early booking rate is now possible at: www.passivehouseconference.org
International Passive House Conference 2016Type
April 22, 2016 09:00 AMUntil
April 23, 2016 06:00 PMVenue
Darmstadt, Germany (Congress Centre "darmstadtium")Address