Rotterdam based KuiperCompagnons has recently won first prize in the design competition for the sustainable office building Agung Sedayu Center in Jakarta. Further images of their winning design as well as a description from the architects can be seen after the break.
In January this year the Agung Sedayu Group together with Indonesian Architecture Institute (IAI), one of the largest property developers in retail, commercial facilities and housing in Indonesia, launched a prestigious design competition for a new office building in Jakarta. The design had to result in a sustainable, contemporary building inspired by Indonesian tradition culture.

The program of the office is much bigger than the location. An idea is born from the chine’s shape: ‘yin and yang’ which the floors of the buildings twist and rotate outwards step-by-step to a central core with elevator shafts and main staircases. Both towers are connected by an open common space with commercial facilities on de ground floor, 6 parking floors which 3 of it are underground, and also integrated garden on the 4th floor. The 90.000 m2 building is completely earthquake- and tsunami proof.

One of the most important sustainable principles is the maximal use of natural ventilation in order to reduce the use of mechanical cooling. The whole form and detail of the building is aimed to avoid direct sunlight to the facade, and to take advantage of the prevailing wind direction. The facade of the building is dictated by the wind and the sun. By using of sun diagrams, the type of louvered door could be determined for the whole year (which one from the 7 types and for which part of the building). Rainwater is collected and reused, solar panels are placed on the horizontal roof, and the therefore appropriated terrace floors. A geothermal heat pump is applied. ‘District Cooling’ is used to improve the benefit of the cool system.

KuiperCompagnons was inspired in shape and facade of the building by traditional Indonesian ‘rattan basket’, which has a double meaning: on the one hand the basket symbolizes a place to come together, but on the other side it symbolizes also the Indonesian handicrafts. The material of the facade is made from local wood, which is applied in the louvers. The Diagonal grid of the supporting structure remind this to the characteristic of the braided rattan structure. Combined with a strategic position direct under the flight path of Soekarno Hatta International Airport Jakarta is Agung Sedayu Center an icon of Indonesian architecture and a landmark of the city.

The jury, consisting of 4 members of the Indonesian Architecture Institute and four executives of the Agung, Sedayu Group has recently presented the jury report. From all of the 190 participants, the first prize is awarded to 3 design agencies: KuiperCompagnons, Sardjono Sani from Singapore and Franky Du Ville from Jakarta. In the coming weeks will decide which design will be realized.