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AD Round Up: The Latest Architecture and News

AD Round Up: Restaurants Part VI

AD Round Up: Restaurants Part VI - Featured Image

We have now over 200 Round Up! And with amazing project featured months and even years ago, there’s still a lot to come. Check our sixth selection of previously featured restaurants after the break.

Paladares da Quinta Restaurant / Arquitectos The restaurant and bakery is located in a farm composed of different arborean species of a certain age. Its main purpose was for the visitors to enjoy nature’s changeable and irreverent environment during their stay. For this reason, the area’s history and the existing species’ location was respected and a building was drawn so that it coexists and dialogs with its surroundings, allowing for the present and human experience’s concept and language evolution to be revealed (read more…)

AD Round Up: Beach Houses Part IV

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Amazing beach houses in Chile, The Netherlands, Australia, Mexico and USA. Check our 4th selection of previously featured beach houses after the break.

House in Huentelauquen / Izquierdo Lehmann This beach house is located on a rural setting in Huentelauquen, Chile, facing the sea from the border of a plain plateau exposed to the strong winds, 40m over the beach. The house was located along this border, sunken to disappear into the landscape, in which only 5 chimneys arise as sea lookouts (read more…)

AD Round Up: Best from Flickr Part XXIV

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Two more weeks and we have our 25th selection of the best from Flickr. With almost 33,000 photos, we invite you to check them all right here! As always, remember you can submit your own photo here, and don’t forget to follow us through Twitter and our Facebook Fan Page to find many more features.

The photo above was taken by pedro kok in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Check the other four after the break.

AD Round Up: Cultural Center Part IV

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First of all… Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Second, here’s our 4th part of our selection of previously featured cultural centers. Check them all after the break.

Passy Cultural Center / Beckmann N’Thepe “Although unusually set within the site, the building subtly blends in with the surroundings. With its long timber roof, it creates a new horizon, a cut-out silhouette that forms a huge sculpture on the scale of the landscape. In this way, the project takes on a symbolic, contemporary dimension (read more…)

AD Round Up: Health Architecture Part V

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Great projects for our 5th selection of previously featured health architecture. Check them all after the break.

Patterson Ob/Gyn / buildingstudio The site fronts on a new feeder road connected to a nearby expressway. It sits between two other professional buildings of matching colonial facades complete with artificial dormers and mass- produced Georgian columns. While the first inclination was to make an expressive contemporary insertion, upon reflection this approach would have competed as just another “sign” like the traditional works, just another façade treatment facing the street (read more…)

AD Round Up: Interiors Part V

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During the past weeks, we’ve been featuring a lot of amazing projects that date back to 2009. And that’s precisely the idea of this Round Ups. To give you the chance to see great projects we featured a long time ago. So here’s the 5th part of our Interiors selection. Check them all after the break.

Valentin apartment / ECDM French architects Emmanuel Combarel Dominique Marrec sent us the transformation of this small apartment, with a clear strategy: Decompartmentalise the place so as to fit out an open plan and elude the demand of an extra room by conceiving in the center of the volume a suspended white cube which generates comic and disconcerting use situations (read more…)

AD Round Up: Educational Architecture Part V

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Great projects from USA, Canada, India, and China. Here’s our 5th selection of previously featured educational architecture. Check them all after the break.

Becton Dickinson Campus Center / RMJM The Campus Center at BD (Becton Dickinson and Company), a medical technology company that serves healthcare institutions, life science researchers, clinical laboratories, industry and the general public, is a 38,500-square-foot facility that bridges and blurs the boundaries between building/landscape, indoor/outdoor, roof/earth, figure/ground, and the two local business cultures of management/production (read more…)

AD Round Up: Green Roof Part V

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A lot of amazing projects are designed now with green roofs. And for our 5th selection, we even have a Building of the Year 2009 by ACXT. Check them all after the break.

BTEK – Technology Interpretation Center / ACXT BTEK is an interpretation centre for new technologies, aimed at student visitors. The site’s location, on one of the highest points of the Vizcaya Technology Park and close to the Bilbao airport’s flight path for takeoffs and landings, helps with the aim of making the building a landmark in its landscape (read more…)

AD Round Up: Leisure Part V

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Want to go to a bar? Beauty salon? Perhaps a Center for Yoga? Some relaxing Spa? Check our 5th selection of previously features leisure projects after the break.

Ganesh Club / Pormenor Arquitectos PORMENORarquitectos® were invited to integrate a bar into a natural environment. As a limit, beside the standard local legislation, 3 milion euros were the budget. Embracing the fact that an equipment of such nature urges to become a great atraction and needs to influence a wide spread area, the concept pointed the design towards a powerfull object, massive and strange, growing from the mountain (read more…)

AD Round Up: Retail Part V

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Five unique retail projects for the 5th selection of our previously featured projects. Enjoy them all after the break!

Uniqlo Megastore / Curiosity Curiosity has completed the design of the Uniqlo Megastore that has opened near Shinjuku station in Tokyo. The new design is strongly influenced by the Tokyo urban landscape and the large entrance, marked with three display towers, recreates a mini-Shinjuku city. As the lighting floor wraps the towers in a glow of light that illuminates the surrounding streets, the shop becomes an active element of the street: attractive, reliable, and secure (read more…)

AD Round Up: Best from Flickr Part XXI

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I guess for our next Flickr Round Up (in two more week), we’ll be looking at more than 30,000 photos. For now, check our 21st selection of photos from our Flickr Pool. In case you haven’t seen our previous selections, check them all right here. As always, remember you can submit your own photo here, and don’t forget to follow us through Twitter and our Facebook Fan Page to find many more features.

The photo above was taken by pedro kok in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Check the other four after the break.

AD Round Up: Sports Architecture Part V

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Sports Architecture from all over the world! For our 5th selection we have projects from Brazil, France, Croatia, USA, and South Africa. Check them all after the break.

Brazilian National Shooting Center / BCMF Arquitetos The venues of the Rio2007 Pan-American Games were grouped into four great distinct regions of the city: Barra, ‘Sugar-Loaf’, Maracanã and Deodoro. This strategy was intended to spread and distribute the direct and indirect benefits of this major international event among all inhabitants of Rio de Janeiro, through the construction of new venues and infrastructure, as well as improvements of the existing ones (read more…)

AD Round Up: Best from Flickr Part XX

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We have five amazing photos to celebrate our 20th Flickr Round Up. In case you haven’t seen our previous selections, check them all right here. As always, remember you can submit your own photo here, and don’t forget to follow us through Twitter and our Facebook Fan Page to find many more features.

The photo above was taken by samuel t ludwig in Porto, Portugal. Check the other four after break.

AD Round Up: Restaurants Part V

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Looking for a great place to eat this weekend? Maybe this five projects will help you choose. Check them all after the break.

BanQ / Office dA Located in the old Penny Savings Bank, Banq is a restaurant located at the base of the old banking hall. Divided into two segments, the front area on Washington Street is programmed as a bar, while the larger hall behind serves as the dining area. The design of the space, however, is conceptualized around another division, on the z axis, between the ceiling and the ground (read more…)

AD Round Up: Best from Flickr Part XIX

AD Round Up: Best from Flickr Part XIX - Image 3 of 4

Finally, we got to 25,000 photos on our Flickr pool. And they really keep getting better every time. In case you haven’t seen our previous selections, check them all right here. As always, remember you can submit your own photo here, and don’t forget to follow us through Twitter and our Facebook Fan Page to find many more features.

The photo above was taken by clarkmaxwell in Chicago, USA. Check the other four after break.

AD Round Up: Kindergarten Part IV

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For our fourth selection of previously featured Kindergartens we have five amazing projects from Europe. Check them all after the break!

Lucinahaven Toulov Childcare / CEBRA The kindergarten is divided into 6 small sections each with its own graphic theme. These sections form a geometric hexagonal system, which together form a daisy. The yellow centre of the daisy is the kindergarten’s central activity room. Attached to the centre are the petals housing the staff rooms and 6 group rooms – 2 in each hexagon (read more…)

AD Round Up: Health Architecture Part IV

AD Round Up: Health Architecture Part IV - Featured Image

Two medical care facilities, two dental clinics, and one nursing home. It’s our health architecture selection, part IV. Check them all after the break.

Kemang Medical Care / Aboday Architects When this project started in 2007, the original land size of 2600 sqm is barely enough to build a women and children clinic with 52 wards. The building programme is complex, which include one floor dedicated for in vitro treatment. The 5 storey building sits on an elongated site, located in a junction of Jalan Ampera Raya in South Jakarta, and 6 m width neighbourhood alley. It has an inward tapered shape with a frontage of only 20 meter in width (read more…)

AD Round Up: Mixed Use Part IV

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Housing, retail, hotels, restaurants, offices and even a library. You’ll find everything in the fourth part of our previously featured mixed use projects selection. Check them all after the break.

Bumps / SAKO Architects ‘BUMPS in Beijing’ is an integrated project with four residences as well as a commercial building. The traditional residence buildings in China are oriented south and north. With the increase in the density of the buildings, the traditional method causes buildings too close to each other and the rooms facing to the north can hardly get sunshine (read more…)