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London: The Latest Architecture and News

AD Classics: Robin Hood Gardens / Alison and Peter Smithson

AD Classics: Robin Hood Gardens / Alison and Peter Smithson - Apartments, Facade, Door, StairsAD Classics: Robin Hood Gardens / Alison and Peter Smithson - Apartments, Stairs, FacadeAD Classics: Robin Hood Gardens / Alison and Peter Smithson - More Images+ 9

A new vision for London's Tube Map

A new vision for London's Tube Map - Featured Image
© Mark Noad

A new vision of the map for London’s Tube has been posted to depict a more geographically accurate representation of the underground train system. Navigate through the map for yourself here: http://www.london-tubemap.com/.

Tex-Tonic House 1 / Paul McAneary Architects

Tex-Tonic House 1 / Paul McAneary Architects - Houses, BathroomTex-Tonic House 1 / Paul McAneary Architects - Houses, Facade, Beam, Door, Table, BenchTex-Tonic House 1 / Paul McAneary Architects - Houses, Stairs, Handrail, FacadeTex-Tonic House 1 / Paul McAneary Architects - Houses, Deck, Facade, HandrailTex-Tonic House 1 / Paul McAneary Architects - More Images+ 7

The Emirates Glass LEAF Awards 2011

The Emirates Glass LEAF Awards 2011 - Featured Image
Decameron / Mario Kogan

Entries from across the globe have flooded in, with some of the world’s most iconic buildings being shortlisted to set the benchmark for the Architectural world in 2011. This year looks set to be the toughest competition yet. With practices flying in from all over the globe, The Emirates Glass LEAF Awards 2011 is now regarded by many of the world’s architectural community as the annual event for viewing quality international design and build projects.

The awards will be celebrated and honored at London’s Landmark Hotel on September 16th, 2011 for the buildings and design solutions that are setting the benchmark for the future of architecture and design. The Architectural community from across the globe will gather at The Emirates Glass LEAF Awards which will double up as an international networking event. This gathering of industry experts will include a judging panel comprising of key individuals drawn from various areas of the international architectural design and construction community. More images and the complete shortlist awards after the break.

Atrium / Studio RHE

Atrium / Studio RHE - Image 23 of 4
Courtesy of Studio RHE

Atrium’s recent design move from modern furniture supply to fine lighting was celebrated and explained through a carefully choreographed space designed by Studio RHE. The result was an interactive open space with central reception that could easily be transformed into a darkened showroom – with a little twist.

Read on for more after the break.

Barbican Foodhall and Lounge / SHH

Barbican Foodhall and Lounge / SHH - Restaurants & Bars, Table, Chair, LightingBarbican Foodhall and Lounge / SHH - Restaurants & Bars, Kitchen, Table, ChairBarbican Foodhall and Lounge / SHH - Restaurants & Bars, Beam, Table, ChairBarbican Foodhall and Lounge / SHH - Restaurants & Bars, Courtyard, Facade, Lighting, Chair, Table, BenchBarbican Foodhall and Lounge / SHH - More Images+ 38

  • Architects: SHH

Extension of the National Maritime Museum / C.F. Møller

Extension of the National Maritime Museum / C.F. Møller - Refurbishment, FacadeExtension of the National Maritime Museum / C.F. Møller - Refurbishment, Table, ChairExtension of the National Maritime Museum / C.F. Møller - Refurbishment, FacadeExtension of the National Maritime Museum / C.F. Møller - Refurbishment, Facade, BeamExtension of the National Maritime Museum / C.F. Møller - More Images+ 34

  • Architects: C.F. Møller: C.F. Møller Architects
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  7300
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2011
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Rackline

The Architectural Association Foster + Partners Prize

The Architectural Association Foster + Partners Prize - Featured Image
The Architectural Association Foster + Partners Prize

The Architectural Association and Foster + Partners are pleased to announce the award of the Foster + Partners Prize, which is presented annually to the AA Diploma student whose portfolio best addresses the themes of sustainability and infrastructure. The recipient is selected jointly by the AA and Foster + Partners at the end of each academic year. This year’s prize has been awarded to Aditya Aachi, of Diploma Unit 7, for his project Haiti Simbi Hubs. The project proposes sanitation infrastructure for Haiti and draws on the unprecedented need for cooperation between the Haitian Government and NGOs to combat cholera outbreaks. Read more at Foster + Partners.

Help us with our Architecture City Guide: London

Help us with our Architecture City Guide: London - Featured Image
Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons / Aurelien Guichard

Next week we will be taking our Architecture City Guide to London and we need your help. To make the City Guides more engaging we are asking for your input on which designs should comprise our weekly list of 12. In order for this to work we will need you, our readers, to suggest a few of your favorite modern/contemporary buildings for the upcoming city guide in the comment section below. Along with your suggestions we ask that you provide a link to an image you took of the building that we can use, the address of the building, and the architect. (The image must be from a site that has a Create Common License cache like Flickr or Wikimedia. We cannot use images that are copyrighted unless they are yours and you give us permission.) From that we will select the top 12 most recommended buildings. Hopefully this method will help bring to our attention smaller well done projects that only locals truly know. With that in mind we do not showcase private single-family residences for obvious reasons. Additionally, we try to only show completed projects.

Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2011 / Peter Zumthor

Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2011 / Peter Zumthor - Image 2 of 4
Serpentine Gallery Pavilion 2011, designed by Peter Zumthor. Photo by John Offenbach

The 2011 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion by Pritzker laureate Peter Zumthor was unveiled today. A design that ‘aims to help its audience take the time to relax, to observe and then, perhaps, start to talk again – maybe not’, the materials are significant in aiding the design which emphasizes the role the senses and emotions play in our experience of architecture.

Zumthor added that ‘the concept for this year’s Pavilion is the hortus conclusus, a contemplative room, a garden within a garden. The planted garden enclosed by this dark structure was conceived by the influential Dutch designer Piet Oudolf.

The building acts as a stage, a backdrop for the interior garden of flowers and light. Through blackness and shadow one enters the building from the lawn and begins the transition into the central garden, a place abstracted from the world of noise and traffic and the smells of London – an interior space within which to sit, to walk, to observe the flowers. This experience will be intense and memorable, as will the materials themselves – full of memory and time.’

More info after the break:

Video: Tadao Ando Water Installation

Located just outside of the Connaught Hotel in London’s Mayfair district is Tadao Ando’s latest work. The iconic Japanese architect’s water installation is best described as ‘liquid sliding over glass lenses’. The pool surface is covered with a series of glass lenses that sit just below the water, and on intervals steam arises nearly masking the mature trees that sit within the installation. Ando’s piece is one of the most recent additions to Mayfair which has experienced numerous refurbishment projects creating a resurgence in this part of the city.

Times Eureka Pavilion / Nex Architecture

Times Eureka Pavilion / Nex Architecture - Pavilion, Beam, Stairs, HandrailTimes Eureka Pavilion / Nex Architecture - Pavilion, Garden, Facade, Arch, ForestTimes Eureka Pavilion / Nex Architecture - Pavilion, Garden, Facade, Handrail, Fence, Lighting, ChairTimes Eureka Pavilion / Nex Architecture - Pavilion, Beam, LightingTimes Eureka Pavilion / Nex Architecture - More Images+ 9

  • Architects: Nex Architecture: Nex Architecture / Alan Dempsey, Paul Loh, Michal Piasecki, Tomasz Starczewski, James Chung
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2011

W London Leicester Square / Jestico + Whiles

W London Leicester Square / Jestico + Whiles - Hotels, FacadeW London Leicester Square / Jestico + Whiles - Hotels, Facade, CityscapeW London Leicester Square / Jestico + Whiles - Hotels, FacadeW London Leicester Square / Jestico + Whiles - Hotels, FacadeW London Leicester Square / Jestico + Whiles - More Images+ 4

  • Architects: Jestico + Whiles
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2011
  • Manufacturers Brands with products used in this architecture project
    Manufacturers:  Focus sb

Westminster Bridge Park Plaza Hotel / BUJ architects + Uri Blumenthal architects & Digital Space

Westminster Bridge Park Plaza Hotel / BUJ architects + Uri Blumenthal architects & Digital Space - Hotels, Chair, TableWestminster Bridge Park Plaza Hotel / BUJ architects + Uri Blumenthal architects & Digital Space - Hotels, Table, ChairWestminster Bridge Park Plaza Hotel / BUJ architects + Uri Blumenthal architects & Digital Space - Hotels, Chair, TableWestminster Bridge Park Plaza Hotel / BUJ architects + Uri Blumenthal architects & Digital Space - Hotels, Facade, Arch, CityscapeWestminster Bridge Park Plaza Hotel / BUJ architects + Uri Blumenthal architects & Digital Space - More Images+ 27

AA Summer DLAB 2011

AA Summer DLAB 2011 - Featured Image

Summer DLab experiments with digital design tools and rapid prototyping techniques as integrated systems of design development. Taking advantage of its unique location within the AA premises in the heart of the London, the workshop will create a vibrant atmosphere not only through its rigorous studio work, but also by its public lecture programme that will share the diverse expertise of professionals from London’s leading offices in the areas of digital design and fabrication techniques.

Offices for International Shipping Company / SHH

Offices for International Shipping Company / SHH - Offices Interiors, Stairs, Door, Facade, Handrail, Arch, Table, Bed, ChairOffices for International Shipping Company / SHH - Offices Interiors, Kitchen, Door, Facade, TableOffices for International Shipping Company / SHH - Offices Interiors, Door, ChairOffices for International Shipping Company / SHH - Offices Interiors, KitchenOffices for International Shipping Company / SHH - More Images+ 14

  • Architects: SHH
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2011

Silvertree Residential Eco-Tower / Studio RHE

Silvertree Residential Eco-Tower / Studio RHE - Image 1 of 4
Courtesy of Studio RHE

Silvertree, designed by Studio RHE, is a landmark 24-storey ‘green’ apartment tower located in London’s Royal Docks. It has been granted planning approval and will commence construction in summer 2011. The mixed-use tower will house 161 high-quality 2-3 bedroom apartments, retail and office space and a cafe.

For more on this project, read on after the break.

Town Hall Hotel / rare

Town Hall Hotel / rare - Hotels, FacadeTown Hall Hotel / rare - Hotels, FacadeTown Hall Hotel / rare - Hotels, FacadeTown Hall Hotel / rare - Hotels, Facade, Column, ArchTown Hall Hotel / rare - More Images+ 22

  • Architects: rare
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  8900
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2010