Recent graduates of the University of Western Australia shared with us their 5th year work studying Soviet Constructivism by researching, analyzing and reproducing various significant buildings from the movement. Additional images of the collection are available after the break.
The exhibition showcases the works of 5th Year students who undertook the key texts module in the year 2010.

This unit provides a grounding in the primary treatises on architecture and a familiarity with a number of significant buildings which emanate from those polemics. It focuses intently on and investigates in depth the treatises and buildings being studied.
Each student will select a building which encapsulates a significant theoretical position in architectural history. In 2010 the Soviet Avant Garde of constructivism was picked as the epoch of exploration. A model of the chosen example will be made to an agreed scale, which will be accompanied by a written paper of not more than 2000 words. The written component is to be a critical analysis of the treatise or manifesto from which the built form is derived. The critical analysis also serves as a reference point for the realization of three dimensional forms of models.

Upon completion of this unit, students will:

1. Have the opportunity to develop a knowledge and understanding of specialized areas of study. 2. Have demonstrated research skills and an ability to critically engage a designated text. 3. Have appreciated that theoretical texts need to be examined in the light of changing ideas and interpretations. 4. Have an ability to write coherently and with precision on specific aspects of spatial quality. 5. Have acquired advanced model making skills.
The exhibition was held at the University Of Western Australia, Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Visual Arts(ALVA).