Architects: Conjuntos Empáticos

Text description provided by the architects. This installation is in the cloister of Sant Domenec in Balaguer, between October 1-15, 2022, as a piece of experimentation of architectural space in close relationship with the memory of women. Architecture is that canvas, seemingly impassive, on which the succession of our passing unfolds, those walls that if they spoke would reveal the traces of endless stories that preceded our time.

Inside the Cloister of Sant Domènec, it is proposed the generation of an ephemeral architecture capable of recovering singular stories of women who anticipated us. In this sense, an airflow is built, wrapped in a reflective membrane, capable of dialoguing with its surroundings and generating an atmosphere strange enough to allow us to listen.

The inflatable structures behave like organisms capable of awakening the passerby's restlessness due to their lightness, materiality, and surprise effect, characteristics that guarantee a sensorial experience propitiated by the environment and the public space.

The membrane of the inflatable structure is materialized through a reflective material that serves as a transit space and viewpoint. Its circular section extends 20 meters along one of the bodies of the cloister, which generates an atmosphere of estrangement in which the words of three women can be heard, creating a TRANSIT between female landmarks.

From inside this passage, we will be able to observe the garden that is surrounded by the cloister, accompanied by the voices of women especially representative of the Catalan history of the 20th century: Lluïsa Vidal (artist), María Cinta Balagué (journalist) and Elena Maseras (doctor). A sensory experience that combines space, atmosphere, and memory, in a fusion between historical heritage and contemporary ephemeral architecture.