Previously we have published an article about how laundry rooms, or utility rooms, are an unnecessary luxury in a modern home. However, this space is undeniably an important part of Brazilian homes and is used not only for washing and drying clothes but also for storing cleaning products and other items. Since these spaces are usually quite small, it is not always easy to keep them organized to ensure maximum functionality. So, here are some tips for those who want to optimize this environment for a better routine in everyday life.
An interior design project with custom-made bespoke cabinetry would certainly be the best solution, but the budget isn't always enough to hire an architect to design this environment. However, if you can afford it, remember all the possibilities such as requesting cabinets under the sinks and countertops that help sort the products and organize clothes. Meanwhile, this article is focused on simple solutions to improve your laundry area:
Baskets and Boxes
Using baskets and boxes is key to keep objects organized in different categories: laundry products (soap, softener, bleach); cleaning products in general (which can also be separated according to wet areas - bathroom and kitchen - and other rooms that need special products, for wooden floors, for example); cleaning cloths; etc. Additionally, if you have enough room, a good option is having two laundry baskets, one for colored clothes and another one for white clothes.

Shelves are very useful for storing products or even the baskets and boxes mentioned before. Since this is a wet area of the house, the best materials to use are plastic and steel. If you choose wood, it must be treated with specific finishes or veneers, such as Formica, to ensure that it lasts longer. The most important thing is to remember that shelves can be of different sizes and can be installed in different ways to optimize the space. For example, you can install a small shelf next to the washing machine to keep the washing powder, fabric softener, and even a little basket for pegs, making the process of hanging clothes a lot easier.

Organizers and Hooks
To free up floor space and keep the room more organized, hooks and a few organizers can be extremely helpful. Besides hanging cleaning cloths, hooks can be used to hang brooms, mops, and even ironing boards. In addition, they can be placed behind the laundry room door, keeping these products out of sight. Meanwhile, organizers are great options for storing sponges, soap, and pegs. Some of them feature suction cups, making them easy to install and move to a different location without leaving holes on the wall or requiring additional maintenance.

Utility cabinets
Today, you can easily buy utility cabinets of the right sizes for your laundry area. These cabinets are specifically designed to store brooms or ironing boards, usually very narrow and tall, fitting easily into this space and providing a more organized atmosphere.

GIFs feature the following projects:
Apartamento Harmonia / a GR a u. Image: © Pedro Vannucchi;
Blue Apartment / ENTRE Arquitetos. Image: © Gui Rebelo – Elephant Studio.