The Fundación EcoInclusión - winner of the first prize in the regional competition Google.org Challenge - is an Argentine non-profit organization that was born in 2015, from the hands of a group of young people that promote the construction of a fairer, equitable and sustainable society.
Located in the Alta Gracia city, province of Córdoba, Ecoinclusión works in the reduction of PET bottles waste with the production of bricks made of plastic residues destined to the construction in vulnerable sectors, with the aim of generating environmental and social impact and cultural participation in the communities.

The bricks have the technical certification granted by the UN-Habitat Secretariat. They were developed and patented by Ceve-Conicet. Twenty bottles of recycled plastic are needed to produce a brick, which has characteristics like those of a clay brick, but with better performance as a thermal insulation.

Since 2014, EcoInclusión has been authorized to produce them. To achieve their main objective, "to contribute to the reduction of PET waste, transforming them into ecological bricks" which work in two ways:

- ECORED: through which different municipalities and companies in the private sector donate their PET plastic waste and collaborate in the logistics of the donation.
- ECOCONSTRUCCIÓN : through the articulation of public, private and social actors that economically accompany the bricks production lines and the construction itself.
Learn more about the initiative by clicking here.
* Text and images courtesy of Fundación EcoInclusión.