Architects: FDS Arquitectos
- Year: 2012
Photographs:Jose Pampin

Text description provided by the architects. A good friend calls us to design a small hotel, 4 or 6 rooms on the hills of Lavalleja, Uruguay. The area is very well known for its spiritual tourism, as it is a very energetic place.

Visit to the area.
… there is definitely something very special about the energy of the hill: it is quite inaccessible, it is covered by low native vegetation. There are formations belonging to the earliest inhabitants of the place and archeological remains difficult to date. The views from up there are breathtaking. Our friend and his family are in love with the place, we feel incredibly motivated and challenged by the task.

Just ‘details’Towards the end of the visit, some details are revealed:/p>
The project has to be designed according to Hartmann’s energetic lines, taking into consideration the grid, in such a way that the resting places, (e.g. beds) fall into positive quadrants; there has to be an area for his family to live in, but it should be flexible enough to turn it into a guestroom; it must have a spacious reception area to accommodate groups of daily visitors seeking spiritual tourism but they shouldn’t interfere with the privacy and the activities carried out by guests, and finally it should be self-sustainable energywise as there are no energy nor water supplies available.

December 2012, The building stands out without arrogance in the landscape.

The energy needed for the hotel is provided by the wind and the sun, through a windmill and solar panels. The water, which is drinkable, is obtained from the ground. The area is famous for the great quality of its water springs.

The linear building is north-south oriented, contained between two stone walls that are inlayed in the hill. Orientation and layout are arranged according to Hartmann energy lines in order to maximize positive energy in rest spaces.
Upper level is leveled to the top of the hill, offering hotel public spaces like reception and dining room to day visitors that arrive by the main road. Veranda space is used to accommodate meditation activities and to contemplate landscape. We prioritize views to the west as building services are located Est.

In the low level there are 6 rooms, 2 of which have the chance to communicate with the upper level indoors and to eventually be used by the family.
Rooms are connected by an outdoor corridor protected by the EST Stone-Wall ending in the pools. The Wall is permeated in order to qualify a simple conversation space leveled with the ground. The WEST Stone Wall is much more permeable so the rooms can enjoy views to the setting sun.
…Today the building keeps receiving visitors that can enjoy the same experience we did: the Energy of Cerro Mistico.