Located on the floodplain of Rio Tamanduateí, one of the most important rivers of the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, Park D. Pedro II is a symbolic public space, with important historic buildings with its connection between the center of town (the historical hill) and the east zone. The transformation by Una Architects, H+F Architects, Metrópole Architects and Lume of the Park D. Pedro II, beyond its internal limits, has as premise of an urban redevelopment that could radiate qualities to the surrounding neighborhoods. Briefly, the plan provides three axes of intervention. More images and architects’ description after the break.
The park is currently cut off by the most important link north / south, Estado Avenue, and also by the most important link the east / west of town, east-west avenue Radial. The road works, in the early ’70s, transformed the park into a node of transport system, nullifying its other public functions. There is still located a subway station, two other stations of an express bus line and the largest bus station in the country.

Road System:

The project extends the lowering of the Estado Avenue, already partially defined by the Municipality until the end of the park (near the subway station), allowing the demolition of four viaducts that cross the park. The permeability of the park was significantly expanded with the creation of new pedestrian crossings and significantly improving local accessibility.
Public Transport System:

Proposals for the road system allowed the reorganization of the three public transportation systems existing today in the park. The project proposes an intermodal station at the Park Dom Pedro II Subway Station, articulating the most appropriate way, both the demands of trade lines and systems, such as access to the center to the user who has the region as destination. The new station is developed around a leafy square garden and the new organization offers a more comfortable situation for all users.
Retention Lagoon:

It was proposed a lagoon in the park that fulfills several functions. It is a key factor in the design of public space, its organization and the creation of a new urban landscape. This lagoon is designed to hold excess rainwater in times of high pluviometric indexes, preventing flooding in the region. The lagoon includes a natural filtration system, through artificial wetlands.
North Arch:

The northern section of the park is characterized by the presence of important historical buildings, particularly the Municipal Market (1933), the Industries Palace (1920) and the Retortas House (1898). Despite the physical proximity of these buildings, there is complete isolation between them, resulting in a disarticulated urban space. Starting from the road and public transportation interventions as defined by the Plan, we sought a reintegration of this sector of the park and of the city itself. We proposed to build a square next to the Municipal Market as well as two new buildings, SESC (Social Service of Commerce) and Senac (National Service for Commercial Training) institutions offering professionalizing courses, leisure activities, sports and culture.
West Arch:

The study developed for the park´s West Sector includes a set of nine blocks along the street 25 de Março, between the street Ladeira General Carneiro and Rangel Pestana Avenue. Considering the underutilization of an extremely important area of the city and the impact of actions in the plan, we developed an urban transformation strategy based in immediate application public actions and complementary initiatives of short and medium term associated with the private initiative.