PRAUD recently shared with us their entry for the Extension of Serlachius Museum Gösta competition. The site has a strong advantage of having very fabulous landscape view towards lake as well as forest. Hence, the big idea in massing is to create view points towards those scenarios and it becomes an architectural logic of the form of the building. The first step they took was creating courtyard, just as typical museum typologies, as a void so that the museum has its vertical relationship to sky and outdoor exhibition space as well. Because of the massive surface they needed to deal with, they folded the mass into half so that it can be more efficient and compact building per se.
By folding it, there are cracks created and the last step is to cut out the overall mass in a relation to both cracks and the landscape scenery. In terms of siting, it sits right next to the existing Manor building so that it creates smooth circulation between new extension exhibition halls and existing exhibitions. The circulation plan starts from +107.0 level at the entry hall of new extension. From there, the level smoothly ramps up with three new exhibition halls; Traveling Exhibition 01, Traveling Exhibition 02 and Collection Exhibition.

Along this circulation, visitors can experience not only exhibitions but also views towards landscape from the cracks between halls. This ramp leads visitors to the second level of existing Manor building so that they can see the collections as well as experience the historical building. The circulation is continues to the first level of Manor building and entry hall again. Besides this main circulation, there are couple of more choices for visitors.

For instance, after Collection Exhibition, visitors can choose to go further to see Travel Exhibition 01 from balcony level and view towards the island and lake. For offices and collection facilities, they are located on the lower level so that they can be separated from visitor circulation and have protection from natural sun light They are connected easily to loading, foyer, and collection exhibition halls with direct vertical circulation.

A light lumber structure is proposed as structural system not only to have tectonic gestures in the building but also architectural aesthetics out to it. Series of lumber frames are manipulated to create the shape the roof grading and interior space. And the vertical walls of each programs will work as lateral member to hold the lumber frames. In the new extension museum, we tried to create spaces for art works not only through exhibition halls but also through temporary exhibitions at entry halls, large installation at courtyard, and balcony level views. Therefore, with existing museum, the new extension will provide a variety of experiences to visitors.

Architect : PRAUD Location : Mänttä, Finland Area : 5,181 sqm