It was announced at a recent seminar, “Materials and Resistance” in Oslo, Norway, that the Holmenkollen Ski Jump, designed by JDS Architects, was the recipient for the Norwegian Steel Construction Prize 2011. A presentation of the winning project and award ceremony will take place under the Norwegian Ståldag (Steel Day), the 3rd of November 2011 at the Grand Hotel in Oslo. More images and description after the break.
Norwegian Steel Construction Prize was first awarded in 1991 to Stranden, Aker Brygge. The Norwegian Steel Association and the Norwegian Association of Steel Structures are responsible for the prize competition which is held every other year. Winners are held at a very high standard and therefore reflect the necessary prestige that is important for the value of steel and the environment. The prize is awarded to the builders, architects, consulting engineering and steel construction.

Furthermore, the Norwegian Steel Association will nominate the Holmenkollen Ski Jump to the European Steel Construction Prizes in 2011 (European Structural Steel Design Awards). Prizes are awarded by the ECCS every other year and consists of a bronze statue that will be given to each firm. Prizes will be presented at ECCS ‘conference in Potsdam, Germany on 21-22. September 2011. The award ceremony takes place on Thursday 22 September in the afternoon.

Architect: JDS Architects Client: Oslo Sports Department Consulting engineer: Norconsult Steel contractor: Lecor Steel AB Photographs: Iwan Baan