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Gift Ideas: The Latest Architecture and News

Give the Gift of Architectural Inspiration with the ArchDaily Subscription

You can unlock a world of architectural inspiration with ArchDaily's Subscription Gift. Whether you know an architect or someone enthusiastic about architecture and design, ArchDaily's subscription gift is the perfect present to fuel their passion, expand their knowledge, and support ArchDaily’s mission.

SCALA Architecture Playing Cards Highlight a Collection of Contemporary Architecture

Now is your chance to build a house of cards from cards of houses with the Kickstarter campaign for the updated second edition of SCALA Architecture Playing Cards. "Arquitectura a Contrapelo", an architecture and design team based in Seville, Spain, are hoping to release a sequel to their previous successful deck of architecture-themed cards. The new edition keeps the collection current with additions of the most relevant contemporary architecture, as well as providing some upgrades and improvements from the previous deck.

Bring Chicago's Downtown to your Home or Office with this Kickstarter Campaign

Bring Chicago's Downtown to your Home or Office with this Kickstarter Campaign - Image 9 of 4
Courtesy of Microscape

Site models: they are intriguing and playful things by nature, making you feel like a giant looking down on a city. These miniature neighborhoods, however, are often large and bulky and only suited for architecture schools or offices. Imagine being able to have a site model in your home or office. Microscape has launched a Kickstarter to produce 1:5000 scale models of America’s Windy City, Chicago.