Architects: Verri & Galvão Arquitetos
- Area: 4349 ft²
- Year: 2018
Photographs:Jefferson Ohara
Manufacturers: Depósito João de Barro - Maringá, Floricultura Viverde, Kelvin LD: Lighting Design, Madeiras Nicoletti, Marcenaria & Cia, Marmoraria Gran Norte, Palimanan, Portobello Shop - Porcelanatos e Revestimentos, Vj Germano & Cia, continental sul metalúrgica

“Architecture is made of drawings of the unpredictability of life” Le Corbusier

The Project of the house answer the request for two points: a swimming track and contemplation of the stars.

The space was organized in the lot with 16 x 25 meters and 2-meters slope, in a two-floor building with the shape of “u”, that surrounds a patio. There is a 20-meters swimming track that’s longitudinally located. Meeting of earth and water. On the ground floor there are: principal entrance, garage, the living spaces - one more closed, with TV and musical instruments, and the other open, with the space for meeting at meals.

The house was developed in a structure of exposed reinforced concrete in its pillars, beams and slabs, and is closed with materials such as red clay brick, white masonry and glass, arranged in a way to preserve privacy and thermal comfort. the garden cover provides adequate insulation to extremes of heat and cold and is easily accessible for maintenance and to enjoy the landscape.

It is intended in this space that the chosen composition shelters the unpredictability of the rich and complex human activities that are developed in the face of natural phenomena.