Architects, not Architecture decided to open their archive to help us cope with the current situation of not being able to go out as usual and create a source of inspiration and entertainment through sharing one of the unique talks from their previous 35 events, which have never been published before – including those of architects like Daniel Libeskind, Tatiana Bilbao, Peter Cook, Richard Rogers, Massimiliano Fuksas, Kim Herforth Nielsen, Ben van Berkel, Benedetta Tagliabue, Anupama Kundoo, Sadie Morgan, Dan Stubbergaard, Manuelle Gautrand and Kjetil Thorsen,
Every week, Archdaily will be sharing one of the Architects, not Architecture. talks which they are currently publishing online in the form of daily full-length video uploads as part of their event: Home Edition 2020 (www.architectsnotarchitecture.com).
Archdaily’s pick for this week: Sadie Morgan
In this week’s talk, the British architect, Sadie Morgan, explores her communal upbringing and how it taught her the value of sharing as well as the importance of communication between the different generations. She talks about the common spirit, shared by each and every member of her team, being the foundation of their successful work.
Sadie Morgan participated as a speaker among two other architects at the first AnA-Event in the UK which was held in the Royal Institution in London in 2019 where she founded the architectural firm dRMM together with her partners, Alex de Rijke and Philip Marsh. The studio has now over 50 team members with various nationalities and has realized numerous projects, among them the Stirling Prize-winning redevelopment of the Hastings Pier in East Sussex, England. Sadie Morgan has played a key role as a design champion in a number of advisory roles including chairing the Independent Design Panel and being one of ten commissioners for the National Infrastructure Commission (NIC). Apart from that, she became the youngest president of the Architectural Association in 2013 and won the most recent inaugural ‘Female Architectural Leader of the Year’ at the BD Architect of the Year awards.
Enjoy this week’s videos and make sure to stick around to not miss any upcoming talks. For their daily videos, visit: www.architectsnotarchitecture.com
About Architects, not Architecture
Founded in Hamburg in 2015, Architects, not Architecture. aims to bring to the stage what usually goes unseen. For each event they invite three well-known architects, who instead of talking about their award-winning international projects, are asked to talk about themselves. They speak about their path, their influences and experiences, and dive deeper into their intellectual biography. This enables a better understanding of their work, without them even mentioning it.
Most of us find it difficult to speak about the relevant experiences and the impact they had on us. But isn’t it the encounters, the unique experiences, the harsh times, the wild years at university, that one friend, teacher or family member that shaped our values and thus the person we are today? And isn’t it these values that influence how and what we create?
At least this is what Architects, not Architecture. (AnA) believes, which is why they created the event format that has expanded to multiple European cities over the past five years. Each architect is asked to talk about themselves and their individual path without mentioning their work. It is admittedly hard to do so in front of hundreds of unfamiliar faces when you are only used to talking about architecture in such a setting.