Since the devastating Grenfell Tower fire in June 2017, the people of London have been searching for an answer to the exact cause of the fire that killed 71 people. Now Forensic Architecture—the Goldsmiths, University of London-based research group headed by Eyal Weizman—seeks to aid in the search for answers with their new Grenfell Media Archive. This online crowdsourcing database intended to collect people's first-person accounts in order to map them onto a 3D model of the tower and analyze exactly what happened to the tower.
With the investigation still ongoing, Forensic Architecture is calling on the public to assist in creating their comprehensive record of the tragedy. All of the footage submitted will be put into a digital visualization created by Forensic Architecture. The videos will be placed within the visualization and then mapped onto the building to recreate a realistic representation of the fire. The 3D video "will allow the user to investigate the fire, and will sit within a web platform which will ultimately act as a freely available public resource."
Our aim is to create a powerful and freely-available resource for members of the public to explore and better understand the events of the night of the fire.
Find out more about the archive from Forensic Architecture here.
As Central London Residential Tower is Subject to Devastating Fire and Loss of Life, Questions Raised About Recent Refurbishment
A 24-storey residential tower-Grenfell House-in North Kensington, London, has been subject to a devastating fire and extensive subsequent loss of life. 200 firefighters in 45 fire engines attended the scene following reports of fire at around 0100 local time.