A proposal for the 'NaTian' Cup International Design Competition, "The Gentle Giant" from Stefano Corbo Studio acts as a continuation of the existing bridge providing a unique path for the public, as well as a visual link to the surrounding Flower Farm area. The proposed landmark combines the vertical presence of Chinese "Pagodas and Porcelain Towers" with the dynamic geometry of the Great Wall, whose powerful arrangement has a direct relationship to its changing topography.
The tower is made up of two overlapping paths. One path provides visitors with a complete journey around the panoramic view from the tower. The second is a more direct connection to the ground, allowing for a quicker visit to the building. The tower is apexed by a "circular lounge area" where visitors can enjoy a rest while taking in the view of the Flower Farm.
"The Gentle Giant’s geometry recalls the existing bridge: a sinuous, sensual and organic ramp that turns into a vertical tower. Visitors are trapped into a spiral labyrinth-like effect that will guide them from the ground up to the sky," described the architects.
As visitors travel up and down the paths, the perception of the skeleton-like structure changes depending on the interaction of the users. Vegetation incorporated into the structure will also continue to grow, thus continuing to change the user experience.
A simple Observatory Tower can also become a real public space: a space for aggregation and socialization.
News via: Stefano Corbo Studio.