The Nemrut caldera sits cradled within the Nemrut Volcano in Turkey, formed by the collapse of the volcano into itself, creating a large, deep crater. This dramatic formation creates a unique micro-environment, becoming home to plants and animals that thrive in the harsh conditions. Nestled within the caldera is lake Nemrut, a half-moon crater freshwater lake that further adds to the unique biodiversity of the caldera.
The Nemrut Volcano Eyes architecture competition is tasking participants with envisioning an observation point. Positioned at an altitude of about 2,800 metres on the southern edge of the crater, the lookout point will provide visitors with outstanding views overlooking Lake Van and its surroundings.
The competition requires participants to consider both functional and aesthetic properties when designing the observation point, as construction would be complicated and potentially costly in such a harsh environment.
Project submissions will need to consider design of the observation point and how it will function. Designs will need to include a sequential route for visitors to access the lookout point, making their journey from the crater’s base to the top observation point a memorable experience.
Designs should emphasize functional and innovative solutions that show a contemporary understanding of the environment. It is important that the concept of the project fits well within the context of its surroundings, providing technical solutions on how to establish a structure in this majestic, yet inaccessible environment.
Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).
3 winning proposals, 2 special awards recipients and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Bee Breeders will award a total of US $6,000 in prize money to competition winners as follows:
1st Prize - US $3,000
2nd Prize - US $1,500
3rd Prize - US $500
+ 6 honourable mentions
BB Student Award - US $500
BB Green Award - US $500
More information about the special awards at
Early Bird Registration: 11 OCTOBER - 06 DECEMBER
Advance Registration: 07 DECEMBER - 07 FEBRUARY
Last Minute Registration: 08 FEBRUARY - 06 APRIL
Closing date for registration: 06 APRIL, 2018
Closing date for submission: 10 MAY, 2018 (11:59pm GMT+0)
Announcement of the winners: 23 MAY, 2018
More: nemrutvolcanoeyes.beebreeders.com
Download the information related to this competition here.
Call for Proposals: Nemrut Volcano EyesType
Competition Announcement (Ideas)Website
Registration Deadline
April 06, 2018 10:36 PMSubmission Deadline
May 10, 2018 10:36 PMPrice
US$ 70-90