Developed in 2008, "ARCHIPORN" is a world architecture guide by architects Marcio Novaes Coelho Jr and Silvio Sguizzardi created with the aim of identifying, gathering and sharing information about architectural works around the world by renowned professionals to emerging talents in the field.
The online guide is composed of a world map punctuated by the works, which are divided by historical periods ranging from before the industrial revolution to the present decade. The map also highlights architecture-oriented institutions including the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montreal and the Netherlands Architecture Institute in Rotterdam as well as bookstores such as Livraria Vilanova Artigas and William Stout Architectural Books (San Francisco, USA).
The guide is organized according to the following chronological criteria:
2010- onwards: Recent works
1990-2009: Digital Revolution
1970-1989: Postmodernism
1946-1969: Internationalism and regionalism
1919-1945: Modern Architecture
1890-1918: Turn of the Century
1850-1889: Second Industrial Revolution
1750-1849: First Industrial Revolution
before-1750: Before the Machine Age
We are looking for the work of architects we admire and cities or buildings that attract our attention for a number of reasons. In addition, we have tried to cover all parts of the globe, which makes it a richer and much more fun adventure. From the beginning, our main interest has been modern and contemporary architecture, covering the movements of the avant-garde of the twentieth century to the present - ARCHIPORN.
Explore some of the greatest architectural gems on the ARCHIPORN map here.