Today, Brazil celebrates its Independence Day! Congratulations to all of our friends there, we surely know they are celebrating the way they should be! Check five great cultural projects in Brazil after the break.
Fundação Iberê Camargo in Porto Alegre, Brazil / Alvaro Siza The new building for the Ibere Camargo Foundation in Porto Alegre, Brazil designed by Portugal´s Alvaro Siza, is a big rectangular white concrete structure. It has a big central space enclose by circulations and exhibition spaces. Some of this circulations separate from the main body as arms going out through the facade (read more…)
Ilopolis Bread Museum / Brasil Arquitetura Culture needs to be understood as something ranging from tradition to invention. There are certain things created and built in the past that need to be preserved, otherwise we will be trapped within a distorted, disfiguring present. But by the same token, we need to bet on the new, as it is a fundamental means for the establishment and transformation of our communities and our society as a whole (read more…)

Patchwork Pavilion / DOMO DOMO Arquitetos Associados sent us this temporary art gallery built for an exhibition in Brasilia that took place between august and october of 2008. The project is a 60sqm temporary art gallery built for an exhibition in Brasília that took place between august and october of 2008. The gallery´s exhibition displayed paintings and portraits of contemporary and modern brazilian painters such as Zive Giudice and Candido Portinari (read more…)

Teatro Castro Alves refurbishment / Estudio America A theatre is part of those initiatives that play an essential role in a people’s cultural life. With its public character, by definition, sites where performances take place have in fact a significant function in the structuring of cities and territories which they irrigate culturally. The NTCA will become a place where Bahia’s art history and cultural production will be exposed (read more…)

Favela Painting Jeroen Koolhas and Dre Urhahn are two artist from Netherlands who started working together in 2005. In 2006, they started developing the idea of creating community-driven art interventions in Brazil. Their efforts yielded two murals which were painted in Vila Cruzeiro, Rio’s most notorious slum, in collaboration with local youth. After both murals were finished, they started their third stage of their project, ‘O Morro’ (read more…)