Here are five great articles you may have missed last week! Check them all after the break.
Horse on the Ceiling / Zauberscho(e)n The Leonardo Campus in the north of Muenster forms with the academy of art, the muenster school of architecture and the school of design a creative-campus on the site of a former trooper barrack. the book inventories of all three institutions are merged in a library and stand behind the walls of a part of the former horse stables. the shelves required more space. but where? (read more…)
100 Eleventh Avenue / Jean Nouvel Working with façade consultants, Front, Nouvel’s approach emphasizes the window mullions to the point that they become scattered frames. To simplify the construction process as the façade’s fragmented surface has quite varied window dimensions, megapanels that contain about 20 smaller individual windows can be used when there is a continuous vertical mullion (read more…)

LOOP City / BIG We’re so happy to share this video BIG passed along to us highlighting their contribution to the 2010 Venice Biennale. Entitled the LOOP City, the exhibition focuses on a new Metro loop that become the catalyst for development for the cross border region as different programs grow around the new stations. The loop will connect areas around the Øresund Strait in a sustainable spine of public transport, energy exchange and electric car infrastructure (read more…)
Efficient Living Machine / Alessandro Liberati Alessandro Liberati‘s Efficient Living Machine project transforms a building into an infrastructure able to improve and expand the lifestyle of the metropolis. Liberati proposes that the skyscraper become a system of overlapping grids upon the existing environment as a way to read the city differently. These grids contain different layers of programmed activities, ranging from recreational areas to farms, and from public parks to areas of commerce (read more…)

Playhouse / Aboday Architects This 2 storey house is located in Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang. Part of a new gated housing cluster, the house is an amalgamation of an existing 120 type house with a new building in its adjacent 200 sqm empty plot. Restricted by its corner setback, the building occupies only 150 sqm of the total 320 sqm land. The look is straight forward, mimicking the sloping roof of neighboring house (read more…)