If you quickly glance at this first image of Point Supreme Architects’ newest installation, you may being wondering what that blue volume is or even wondering what could happen in that small space. But, if you’re wondering what it is made of, well, that question yields the most interesting answer. The architects teamed with two visual artists, a musician and a performance artist/choreographer to design this installation and performance piece made 100% from blue foam insulation panels!
More information about this installation and more images of the amazing foam work after the break.
The installation is a half scale version of the exhibition gallery space in which it is placed – giving visitors the chance to view and experience the gallery in its entirety. The effect is similar to a Gordon Matta-Clark piece (minus the splitting) in that both strategies alter the perception of the building and the space. By making the whole building half scale, Point Supreme’s installation gives the viewer a new awareness of the space he is occupying because he can see his position in relationship to the whole.

Size and scale take on a whole new meaning with this piece. “Every action takes on a double meaning. It is impossible to tell the actual scale of any action or thing,” explained the architects.

Project Information:
status: realised
program: collaborative art installation and performance
location: 6 D.O.G.S., Athens, Greece
collaborators: Konstantinos Dagritzikos (curator), Maria Georgoula (visual artist), Nikos Sepetzoglou (visual artist), Tasos Stamou (music), Aggeliki Hatzi (performance artist/choreography)
team: Konstantinos Pantazis, Marianna Rentzou, Beth Hughes, Alkmini Petraki, Konstantina Papanikolaou, Maria Vlagoidou, Tasos Govatsos, Katerina Grigoropoulou
photographs: Yannis Drakoulidis + Point Supreme Architects
year: 2010