Jeffrey Pongonis’ blog, MSI Design – Beyond the Studio, is chock full of urban issues ranging from new green initiatives to schematic designs for new developments. What attracted our attention was the strategic plan for Columbus Ohio, an initiative to restore Downtown’s vitality by building upon the area’s success from the 2002 Strategic Business Plan for Downtown Columbus.
More about the plan and more images after the break.
“The 2010 Downtown Columbus Strategic Plan will put renewed attention on Downtown Columbus, with an opportunity to transform not only the urban core, but the City as a whole …A successful downtown will, in turn, create a more successful region that is both nationally and globally competitive,” explained the plan’s advocates.
The plan is based on 10 principles, which were informed by both public process and analyzing existing conditions. These principles include connecting uses, districts and people to focus on a more pedestrian friendly downtown environment, to continue developing signature parks and public space as outdoor spaces that fit a variety of activities, to invest in arts and culture, and to celebrate the urban experience that only exists downtown.

From the complete 10 principles, 12 ideas were formed to take the plan “to the next level.” These idea “harness the synergies between existing uses, institutions and planned projects.”

The finalized plan is moving forward and turning these 12 ideas into actions. “At this stage of the process, these ideas are a work in progress….These 12 Ideas are intended to inspire Columbus to think big and to bring people together around common goals and projects,” explained the advocates.

Check out the full plan here.