ARX is a Lisboa-based studio whose projects in Portugal have been featured in ArchDaily since 2008. Three amazing houses, a college and a library. Check them all after the break.
House in Romeirão The site has a strong rural character, with small plantations, orchards and pathways limited by roughly made stone property walls and, once in a while, houses, scattered in the landscape. It is a steep slope facing south over the valley, furrowed by a small river and a mountain in the background. While the upper half of the site is ramped, the lower is built in steps (read more…)
Barreiro College of Technology The building site assigned for the School is located in the outskirts of the city of Barreiro. These are rural territories which were invaded by recent constructions intersecting green-gardens and reed plots. Residence houses are predominant and other functions were not predicted for this area and so this neighbourhood is now just a suburb with little urban life (read more…)

House II in Aroeira This is the second project for the urbanization of the Aroeira’s golf course, a field of lawns, sand zones and lakes, and in this case, also a pine tree area. The terrain is narrow and long, slightly triangulated and with a soft inclination alongside the lot. It is also densely occupied by large pines, which end suddenly at north by the immediate vicinity of the golf course (read more…)

Ilhavo City Library Ílhavo City Library is located in the remains of the Manor Visconde de Almeida, a noble house from the 17th-18th century, later transformed and demolished. From the original building only the main façade, oriented southeast, and the chapel, both in ruins, were left. There was no trace from the carriage porch which completed the building on the southwestern end (read more…)

House in Matinhal This house is located in Sagres (Algarve), the furthest southwest location in Portugal. This town hosted the Navigation School behind the “Portuguese Discoveries”, established in the 15th century by the infant D. Henrique. Five centuries have gone by and nowadays these waters are famous for windsurfing (read more…)