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Sustainability: The Latest Architecture and News

Urban Farming in numbers

Interesting study by MVRDV, The Why Factory and Stroom Den Haag.

Transbay Transit Terminal / Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects

Transbay Transit Terminal / Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects - Image 3 of 4

San Francisco’s newest transit hub will centralize all the transportation in the city by accomodating nine systems under one roof. Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects have designed a new terminal, a 1.3 mile extension of the Caltrain rail line, and the redevelopment of the surrounding area which will add 2,600 new homes, a 5.4 acre park roof and a retail street. And a loan of over $170 million given by the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act has given the project an extra push foward. Once completed in 2014, the terminal will include wind turbines, geothermal heating methods and a graywater recycling system. The hub will be a strong message that green technology can successfully be combined with modern transportation. “We are thrilled to be one of the first modern rail stations in the United States to achieve this historic milestone and look forward to continuing to make progress on the Transbay Project,” explained Maria Ayerdi-Kaplan, Executive Director of the Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA).

More images and a video of the project after the break.

fORaLLtHEcOWs / CTRLZ architectures

fORaLLtHEcOWs / CTRLZ architectures - Image 4 of 4

Working with the idea of “creating a society that is based on quality not quantity, on cooperation and not competition,” CTRLZ architectures have rethought a new model for, not just a building, but rather for society. Due to the on-going “cultural revolution” we are experiencing, the way we approach solving the problems of the world have changed, and architecture along with it. Now, the architect must not merely respond to designing spaces, but to other factors, such as society, energy, the internet, and politics, as well. “We believe that architecture is not anymore about form and/or/…function, but that it is about relations. The development of network systems shows us that the power resides in links and connections.”

More about the model and more images after the break.

Edible Schoolyard / Work AC

Edible Schoolyard / Work AC - Image 8 of 4

Work AC, in collaboration with Edible Schoolyard NY and the Alice Waters’ Chez Panisse Foundation, is designing a new schoolyard for PS216 that will offer the young New Yorkers a different learning experience. The Edible Schoolyard is designed as a series of interlinked sustainable systems where the building will produce energy and heat, collect rainwater, process compost and sort waste with an off-grid infrastructure.

More images and more about the school after the break.

Underground Hotel / ReardonSmith Architects

 Underground Hotel / ReardonSmith Architects - Image 2 of 4

When asked to design a luxury hotel and spa at Hersham Golf Club in Surrey (which is within London’s Green Belt) ReardonSmith Architects responded with plans for a subterranean building. Matthew Guy, ReardonSmith’s project designer, explained “Our concept integrates hotel, spa, and golf facilities into a single architecturally exciting and organic composition below and above ground. The design fulfills the requirements of the brief for a bespoke five star hotel while returning hard standing to the Green Belt and improving the physical layout and visual attraction of the entire site. It represents a commercially viable solution to developing in the Green Belt and is, we believe, a world-first.”

More about the hotel after the break.

Green Lighthouse, Carbon Neutral Faculty building / Christensen & Co Arkitekter

Green Lighthouse, Carbon Neutral Faculty building / Christensen & Co Arkitekter - Higher Education, FacadeGreen Lighthouse, Carbon Neutral Faculty building / Christensen & Co Arkitekter - Higher Education, Facade, Handrail, Chair, TableGreen Lighthouse, Carbon Neutral Faculty building / Christensen & Co Arkitekter - Higher Education, Stairs, Handrail, ArchGreen Lighthouse, Carbon Neutral Faculty building / Christensen & Co Arkitekter - Higher Education, Facade, Beam, Handrail, StairsGreen Lighthouse, Carbon Neutral Faculty building / Christensen & Co Arkitekter - More Images+ 4

AD Round Up: Green Roof Part II

Sustainability Round Up to end the week. Some really interesting projects may be done using green roof. Here we show you our second part (see the first one here), of previously featured projects with green roof.

Manifesto House / James & Mau, for Infiniski

Manifesto House / James & Mau, for Infiniski - Houses, FacadeManifesto House / James & Mau, for Infiniski - Houses, FacadeManifesto House / James & Mau, for Infiniski - Houses, FacadeManifesto House / James & Mau, for Infiniski - Houses, Bedroom, Table, ChairManifesto House / James & Mau, for Infiniski - More Images+ 23

Curacaví, Chile

Taipei 101 to become the world's tallest green building

Taipei 101 to become the world's tallest green building - Featured Image

Taipei 101, famous for being one of the world’s tallest buildings, is set to get some major eco-upgrades in an effort to save money, reduce its impact, and gain the much coveted title of “World’s Tallest Green Building.” In 2007, the Burj Dubai surpassed Taipei 101 in terms of height, but the Taiwanese building won’t give up the fight, throwing down $1.8 million in energy efficiency upgrades, which are expected to yield $20 million annually in savings and make it the Earth’s greenest and tallest building.

Over the next 18 months, the skyscraper will undergo significant energy efficiency upgrades and will also seek LEED Gold certification for existing buildings. The certification will largely depend on the building performance after the upgrades and renovations take place. The owners of Taipei 101 are teaming up with SL+A International Asia Inc., Siemens and EcoTech International Inc. to complete the eco-upgrades. Seen at Inhabitat. More images after the break.

Team Germany wins Solar Decathlon 2009

After 9 days and 10 contests, Team Germany from the Technische Universität Darmstadt won the 2009 Solar Decathlon with their surPLUShome project.

CCA + SCU win 2009 Solar Decathlon, Architecture Contest

CCA + SCU win 2009 Solar Decathlon, Architecture Contest - Featured Image

I just saw that the house designed by Team California, a multidisciplinary team from CCA + SCU, that we featured a few months won the Architecture Contest (1 out of 10 contests) at the US Department of Energy Solar Decathlon 2009.

Eco Towers / Greeen! Architects

Eco Towers / Greeen! Architects - Image 4 of 4

Greeen! Architects have been awarded an honorable mention for their Eco Towers, an office building in Hamburg, Germany for the Building and Environment Authorities. The office will accommodate 1400 people and will include several public areas as well as green gardens to “give room to nature and a create a green ambiance to all workers and visitors.”

More about the Eco Towers after the break.

AD Interviews: Alexis Rocha, I/O Platform

At the beginning of the summer we visited SYNTHe, a urban rooftop garden designed and built by professor Alexis Rocha (I/O Platform founder) with SCI-Arc students.

The SYNTHe project is a 3,000sqf structure located on the top of The Flat, a mid rise residential building in downtown Los Angeles, and its the first green garden approved by city official. The idea of this “green blanket” over at the top of the building is to reduce the building heat gain, reduce storm water waste (80% is captured and used for irrigation) and to establish a sustainable plant ecosystem that collaborated with air pollutants filtering. It also reclaims the rooftop area from HVAC, ventilation and fire control systems, giving a new terrace for the users of the building.

Inside this blanket, 1,500sqf are dedicated to the production of edible plant species, and we had the chance to taste them at the restaurant during lunch, very good. The species planted include:

Masdar Sustainable City / LAVA

Masdar Sustainable City / LAVA - Image 14 of 4

The future well being of cities around the globe depends on mankind’s ability to develop and integrate sustainable technology.

LAVA designed the Masdar City as the city of the future; positioned at the forefront of integrating sustainable technology into modern architectural design. Rome, Athens, Florence; most great historical cities have had the plaza, forum, or square at their epicentre – where the life, values, ideals, and vision of the population evolved. Equally, the centre of Masdar must be an iconic beacon that attracts global attention to sustainable technology.

Masdar Sustainable City / LAVA - Image 13 of 4

Frontier Project / HMC Architects

Frontier Project / HMC Architects - Image 9 of 4

The Frontier Project, located in Cucamonga, Southern California, is a 14,000 square foot demonstration building that will educate all in the community about the latest information, technologies and approaches regarding environmental friendliness. The project will make resident consumers, commercial builders, and sustainable advocates aware and informed of the alternative building methods to encourage sustainability. HMC Architects’ building will not just be something for visitors to look at and admire; rather, the building will become more of a learning experience as visitors are welcomed into its spaces and sustainable strategies are pointed out with their importance explained. “Everything from material and plant selection, the layout of space, and the maintenance regime will have a purpose, demonstrating the principle of green design for home owners, consumers, contractors, design professionals, sustainability advocates and the general public,” explained the Frontier Project founders.

More about the demonstration building, including a video and images, after the break.

Waterpod Project

Waterpod Project - Image 2 of 4

The Waterpod ProjectTM has been floating around the New York area for the past few months gaining a lot of attention. Beginning in Newtown Creek, between Brooklyn and Queens, the Pod is moving down the East River and Hudson River. As reported by Melena Ryzik for The New York Times (view her articles here) this experimental project investigates the blend of community living and artistry. Showcasing artworks, performances and such, the WaterpodTM, is an eco-conscious environment that was designed “In preparation for our coming world with an increase in population, a decrease in usable land, and a greater flux in environmental conditions, people will need to rely closely on immediate communities and look for alternative living models; the Waterpod is about cooperation, collaboration, augmentation, and metamorphosis,” explained Mary Mattingly, a photographer who thought of the Waterpod idea.

More about the WaterpodTM after the break.

Revolutionary Development for Turkey / RMJM

Revolutionary Development for Turkey / RMJM  - Image 10 of 4

Internationally recognized practice RMJM Architects have recently announced their groundbreaking $1 billon mixed-use complex for the Atasehir district, the growing residential and business area of Istanbul, Turkey. RMJM’s complex will allow the new business center to flourish by serving 20,000 people and providing for a variety of their needs. The project will be revolutionary for Turkey as it will become the country’s first LEED-certified mixed-use development upon its 2011 completion date.

More images and more about the complex after the break.

reVision Dallas / Entangled Bank

reVision Dallas / Entangled Bank - Image 5 of 4

The Re: Vision Dallas competition named three winners, two of which we previously featured on AD (DB + P and Atelier Data + Moov). The third winner is Little, a studio based in North Carolina, with their Entangled Bank proposal. “Entangled Bank combines heavy duty technological prowess with artistic integration of systems. The building is designed as a holistic, integrated design…The Entangled Bank entry materials was incredibly impressive… Each unit type was designed, completed with suggested sale price and amount of energy consumption. A wide array of green collar job programs were provided that work with the design of the building to engage residents and educate visitors. All of the jurors were struck by the thorough and joyous submission of Entangled Bank,” explained juror Eric Corey Freed.

More about the project (including a great video) after the break.